Applying for council help


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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We live in a very expensive area and our only chance of moving out of the FIL's will be with help from the council. For an example, the 1 bed starter homes down our road sell for over £200,000 and to rent a 1 bed flat is anything upwards of £850 a month.
My FIL is to be blunt an arsehole and he causes me a lot of unnecessary stress. He is mentioned in my counsellors report too. He drinks too much and gets very spiteful and I refuse to bring my baby into this environment. My mw referred me to a Domestic Abuse helpline but I haven't rung them yet.
I am going to go on the housing register but we wouldn't mind privately renting with top up from housing benefit.

Before I go down the council on friday (was meant to be tomorrow but OH has been sent home from work with an injury bless him) has anyone got any tips on applying? It wouldn't take much for me to burst into tears and wail at them but this would be a last resort if I can help it xxxxxxxxx
Aww babybrain - How nasty of your FIL! No wonder you want out!

You should get your FIL to write a letter saying he wants you guys out before a certain time and you should get something? I'm having a nightmare with our council just now.

Good luck lovely xxxxx
Thanks hun. He has said he will but tbh I don't trust him to, it's like he enjoys holding us to ransom if that makes sense. I've always said to OH that one sniff he's turning into his dad I'm off lol xxxxxxxx
This can be quite a tricky situation - as far as i am aware:
You can not apply for housing benefit till you actually have the housing.
Should you apply as homeless if your FIL evicts you , you will more than likely be placed in a hostel or a very undesirable area.
Housing benefit will only be paid if between you you have a low income.
you can check the max rates that your local authority will pay here
this link can help to see if you would be entitled for any help.
There are schemes running around the country such as 'home buy' schemes whereby first time buyers get assistance from housing associations who will pay 25% of asking price and you pay them back 25% when you come to sell- regardless of whether the market has risen or fallen.

If you have been referred to domestic violence support networks its prob your best bet to go down that route and see if teh council will rehouse you as an emergency under this.

Good luck hun, you dont need this right now xxx
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Thanks hun, I'll go through the links when I can take more in lol (evenings are not my sharpest times). I'm lucky to earn £500 a month and OH earns roughly £1300 (before tax) but I can't afford childcare, mum and dad are too poorly to look after a newborn so I'll probably have to leave work for a bit once Bertie is here

Failing that FIL might end up under the patio (joke) xxxxxxxx
hahah well make the hole big enough so I can toss my mother in law in too!

It may well be worth looking at tax credits too, because these can pay up to 80% of childcare fees. Be careful if you voluntarily leave work you may not be entitled to any benefits.

i would tend to play up the domestic issue and focus on that, if you have to embellish it slightly then do because councils only help the most needy so will be dealing with lots of cases and if you fall way down the list it can be a very very lengthy process. I know its a bit unethical but also doing it as a single woman would benefit you more (is that not just terrible!) before giving the council any info i would research all avenues with the CAb or something.

Also when your on maternity pay you will not qualify for help (as far as i know)

Dear god, that's expensive! I'm guessing you live somewhere down South lol? Luckily for me i'm a northern monkey and rent prices aren't too bad up here. I have applied with my local housing association but as the other girls have said, it's a tricky area. If you play on the 'homeless' thing too much then they will try and rehouse you immediately but it will be literally anywhere. And if you refuse then they're not obliged to keep offering. It's definitely worth applying though. Be honest about your circumstances, mention counsellors reports etc and hopefully it'll see you go further up the ladder.

Me and OH are currently at parents houses still, trying to save money. At the moment it's looking likely that i could have found us a property in the same area as my family for a very very reasonable amount (my mums old schoolfriend is renting her house out and wants someone she knows in it). If it all goes through i'll be over the moon. It's a case of not what you know, but who you know. Do you have any friends or friends of friends who are looking to rent, you might just get a good deal. In the meantime, look on the positive side. You're at your FIL's and however horrible he is, you'll be saving more money than you would on your own. Remember to look on website and try and see what your entitled to.

Good luck hun xxxx
I am racking my brains trying to think of anyone we know who might have somewhere to rent as I think we would get a better deal. We live in Surrey and at one point our town had a 2 year waiting list to buy somewhere here.....poshest council estate I've ever lived on :rofl: xxxxxxxx
My MIL too PLEASE lol, hope you get sorted Hun xx
I'm in a similar situation and want to be in a council house. Our private rented house we're currently in is becoming too expensive since we've started getting into debt and hours cut at work etc.
I went down to the council a few weeks ago and they said that being pregnant doesn't make you a priority. You only become a priority the second your baby is born, but I'm assuming you're not wanting to wait til then?

Only thing I can suggest is layering it on thick (i know it doesn't sound good to suggest, but needs must, otherwise you'll be forgotten about and ignored). Get your midwife to write a letter explaining how your current living arrangements are causing illness to you and stress, depression etc and that may help towards your council application.
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Have been researching our local council options and it actually looks rather promising. Fx they can help us, they actively go for assisted private rent whilst you wait for permanent housing. Will scoot down there monday and get the forms.
Thanks for the advice ladies xxxxxxxxxxx

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