Apple Mac


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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I few months ago I decided to switch my ''normal'' (normal as in Windows XP) laptop to an Apple Mac one. So I sold me Laptop and Bought a brand new Apple Mac of ebay at rather a bargin price.

I was well chuffed at first as its small and neat and cool. Now I dunno if I like it. I used to use photoshop and paint Shop Pro all the time, you know messing about with images and stuff and it was cool, I used it for internet (ran Firefox not IE), and Itunes and that was mainly it. Im supposed to be doing a course on web design but I figured I can use mum & dad laptop for the stuff thats needed for Access etc. So the Mac is supposed to be a ''media'' laptop which is what I was doing so I figured ideal. Thing is I dont have any photo editing software on it and it winds me up, for Photoshop its about £300 for a Mac Licence, It runs Safari not firfox (although Firefox can be downloaded) which is OK but doesnt let you clear down cache or cookies etc, it uploads pics in a weird way and you have to copy them in to a folder which is a little time consuming and annoying. and Itunes runs the same way as it did before, no quicker and no better.

The only thing that is better is there are more customisable options and the battary is amazing. Thing is Im not gonna customise it, what with a new baby on the way I just dont have the time. I try and doi things and its just annoying thats all.

Im now deciding wether to sell it on ebay before xmas with it only being a cople months old ill get what I paid back and buy a new XP laptop in the Jan sales or just perserver with it. Im so indecive!

Anyway just wanted to get that off my chest - boring hey!
ebay it and run to pcworld boxing day!

OH got his for £200 in the christmas sale last year!

Make some money Jen, do it! :D
kirlykird said:
ebay it and run to pcworld boxing day!

OH got his for £200 in the christmas sale last year!

Make some money Jen, do it! :D

No way £200 - fricking bargin!!!

Im gonna do it, do it, do it!!

There going on ebay second hand (mine) for about £500 in same condition so fingers crossed, then hopefully I can get a new one for around the same about price whoo hoo hoo. My Oh will be please with me for once with my scamming and scheeming on ebay re the gidgets and gadgets ha ha

I think ill put it on in my next days off!

You know what ive made money on eberything ive sold on ebay and thats with me buying new and selling second hand - people are nutters on their I tell ya, when they get in to these bidding wars they just dont stop!
jennywren said:
kirlykird said:
ebay it and run to pcworld boxing day!

OH got his for £200 in the christmas sale last year!

Make some money Jen, do it! :D

No way £200 - fricking bargin!!!

Im gonna do it, do it, do it!!

There going on ebay second hand (mine) for about £500 in same condition so fingers crossed, then hopefully I can get a new one for around the same about price whoo hoo hoo. My Oh will be please with me for once with my scamming and scheeming on ebay re the gidgets and gadgets ha ha

I think ill put it on in my next days off!

You know what ive made money on eberything ive sold on ebay and thats with me buying new and selling second hand - people are nutters on their I tell ya, when they get in to these bidding wars they just dont stop!

I know! Especially great when you're selling! :cheer:
Oh my God - I LOVE MY MAC!
I wouldn't be without it!
Got a PC at home and a mac at work but I love my mac so much.
What mac did you buy Jenny?
LucyBee said:
Oh my God - I LOVE MY MAC!
I wouldn't be without it!
Got a PC at home and a mac at work but I love my mac so much.
What mac did you buy Jenny?

Its this one mate ... &rd=1&rd=1

not that actual one but that model (unfortunatley I wont get that much as I dont have the software he is providing lol) but there you go.

I cant afford to spend any money on any programmes and there not ''readily'' availble like they are on a ''normal'' windows PC!

If I had both, it would be craking but I dont so its not lol

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