Apnoea/breathing monitors and baby monitors


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Hi all just wandering if you were all going to invest in a apnoea/breathing monitor to alarm when the baby stops breathing? :?

we have been looking into it and they are so expensive and the reviews are them are actually quite negative saying that they actually make you more anxious as they false alarm a lot. what do you think, cot death is one of my major worries at the moment!! (worry of the week!!) :|

and baby monitors which one have you all got/getting? they are also very expensive :shock: , we were looking at the BT monitor plus (its green and white) has good range and temp control and light sensitve i think it was about £57 on amazon, had good reviews.

Anyone have any recommendations or ones to avoid, am such a novice at this baby shopping lark!! :shock:
ive got a tommee tippee baby monitor and mat which was only £55 from argos :) really worth the money
We have a tony walkabout classic, just a simple one. If your little crys you will proberly here it. Not sure about the breathing monitors.

thanks guys, the tommee tippee one looks good, we never thought of looking in the argos book, the most simple thing!! :lol: will be intersted to know when you have your baby or if anyone has experience of the breathing monitors as i have only heard negative things about them. thanks again
well me and my partner tested them out. and the monitor is soooooo clear!!!! its worth it just for that :D and the mat seems to work as it should

i will be able to tell you properly in about 6 weeks :hug:
We have bought the BT Digital Baby Monitor Plus, its a real top spec one apparantly, Rich chose it because his work mate recommended it, men and there gadgets :roll:

We havent even thought about a breathing monitor :shock:
I've got the BT digital baby monitor but I wouldn't get a breathing monitor unless I knew my baby had a problem.
Hi I had a breathing monitor with my last baby. I would not get one as it scares the living daylights out of you and the child. My friend gave me hers and it works on motion in the cot. Mine used to go off if she did not moves for 10 secs which is normally when i got her off the sleep and her blanket made her look like she wasnt breathing as it did not move up and down. You would shoot up in a panic and the baby would scream as it has a loud alarm. I would just get a baby monitor with the motion lights at the bottom. They are much better.

Hannah X
I have the same as Hev and asked about it months ago on the forum and all the ladies that have got them rated them highly. My friend said it was really reassuring and the only problem wwas she'd forget to turn the alram of when lifting baby for a feed so it would ring out, no big deal for the reassurance your LO is safe and sound though is it?

A word of warning, my Mum got me the last Tommee Tippee moniter in her local Argos as they are £45 cheaper than everywhere else but they may not be getting more as they are the older model so don't leave it too long!
We still have Lukes tomy walkabout one, and I bought OH a inrered wirless ctv with sound for xmas and he never used id so I think ill use that to.
Also talking of monitors all the kids around here play in the front garden and i dont like Luke to as he may wonder or get taken and you feel silly standing at the window so i found this
what do you think?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Boardbug-Safety-M ... dZViewItem
good idea caboholic for peace of mind. :clap:

i think we will get the BT monitor plus and not worry about a breathing monitor for now, baby will be in our room for first several weeks anyway.

its personal preference at the end of the day.
hi i want to get the angel monitor i cant remember who does it but if you search it on ebay they come up on there and they are really good thats the one i want to get anyways :)
rusks said:
good idea caboholic for peace of mind. :clap:

i think we will get the BT monitor plus and not worry about a breathing monitor for now, baby will be in our room for first several weeks anyway.

its personal preference at the end of the day.

They do the BT monitor plus cheaper than in the shops on Ebay Lisa, thats where we got ours!

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