Anyone work term time hours?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2007
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Now in an ideal world i would love to be a SAHM but I cant afford it so have been thinking about what would be best for me as Im going to be torn being away from my baby :cry:

Anyone do term time hours? how does this work re what your hours actually are and is it beneficial for you and the kids?

Im in the position that my childminder is a very good friend but she has a challenging behaviour son that lives away and if he comes on home visits she cant have Es, this will be in school hols so term time hours seem good :)

my perception of term time hours is that you do the equivalent of 30 hours which consists of shorter hours during the week so you get some time with the kids and then have school hols off im just a bit confused about hours this totals and wages per annum, anyone able to enlighten me?

thank yous!!
I do but I am a teacher and haven't had my contract yet (stupid HR) so don't actually know how much I am getting paid or for how many hours :lol:

Your arrangement with your childminder is fab though! Saves paying the childminder/nursery during the holidays so you keep the place.

Oh when I was working full time in school last year I was contracted to 39/39 hours - 9-3.30pm a day, 5 days a week.

Thats no use sorry :(
:doh: Forgot about teachers :doh: But Im assuming its a bit different as you have no option but to be off on the school holidays :think:

Dont worry about being useful hun, always nice to see a reply from you :hug:
Yeah we have no option regarding the holidays but its not a bad one ;)

:lol: Thanks. I'm more useless than useful

We get paid over the holidays too. Its spilt up over the full year so I really am not much help :lol:

But I suppose if you worked in a school doing admin or something you would be paid the same way as the teachers but don't quote me on it
I was an SLA in a school and I can't remember at all how it all worked for the life of me. I think basically I accrued holidays for what I worked but I've no idea how that worked out. If you want I'll ask some of our support staff (who are lovely, all fab ladies) how it works for them when I'm in on Monday?
That would be good DSL thanks

Im dont work in a school though, just to make that clear, as it could read by our posts that I did.

Usually there is a fight to have the school holidays off so I feel slightly guilty if I did get it but at the same time its so very soon after having her and I could just not come back for a year or go part time so they should be greatful Im there at all :lol:
I have somebody who works for me on a term time only contract (not in a school)

She has all the school holidays and works 25 hours a week during term time. She also has 10 days a year in holidays which she can take as and when she wants.

Her pay is the same every month irrespective of it beign in the school holidays or out of it.

On a term time only contract you can work anything from full time to part time depending on the employer, for example some employers might want somebody on 37 hours a week 39 weeks of the year, other employers might be looking for part time for 39 weeks a year.

They aren't easy jobs to find but are definitely brilliant when you can get them. From what I know schools, councils, the NHS and some private companies offer them

Good luck
we used to have staff that worked 'Part Year' contracts. for the most they worked term times only, some worked full time hours during the time they were at work, some worked part time hours. Their pay was calculated at the normal rate of pay and then calculated on how many hours/weeks in the year they worked. They also had the option of receiving full months pay for the time they were at work and not receiving any pay whilst they were off or having it averaged out over the whole year so they received a wage every month (does that make sense), they were entitled to the same holiday as anyone else but proportioned out the same as a part timer (ie based on the number of hours/weeks they worked in a year). They had to provide details each year of the weeks they would be working as especially for 'term timers only' these may vary slightly from year to year. we actually had some students who only worked during the holidays.

I would put in your request in writing to your employers, detailing the weeks that you would like to work and the hours that you would like. Your employer has to look at it and if they did refuse they must give you valid reasons.
This is something I would like to do as well. I know someone who does and they get the same pay each week regardless of whether it is the school hols that week. She works 30 hours a week for 39 weeks and then gets 4 weeks holiday pay - so gets paid for a total of 43 weeks out of 52.

This is how she says it works.
30 hours pay x 43 = her yearly salary
yearly salary divided by 52 = her weekly wage.

Hope that makes sense!!
Im a preschool keyworker and I work termtime only. As we get so much holiday off, the boss pays us for 42 weeks of the year, she then divides the wage between 12 so that we get the same money each month.It works out good as i finish in july when the schools break up and dont go back till beginning sept and I get 2 paypackets in that time, when I havent done a days work. The pay isnt brilliant working with children but I love the fact I have never used a childminder or babystitter for my son, mind you I only stared the job properly when he started school, he is 8 yrs no and its been brill for us!

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