Anyone self employed who can help me?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi girls, I'm trying to fill in my form for maternity allowance....
I'm self employed and own a beauty salon, I have taken on a girl who will be working for me part time for now and full time when I'm off work, at the moment we need to decide if I'm going to employ her or if she will go self employed....
Now if I'm claiming mat allow and she is making my business an income how does this work??? Do I need to say I have an income coming in via the salon even though it goes into a separate account but I take a wage from this account and will continue to???? Or do I stop taking a wage and just have maternity allowance?! So confusing!!!! X
Hi honey, I hav the same dilemma on that one. I just filled it in as if I wouldn't be working as officially we won't be. I'm not really sure how this works if you still have a business that is making you money! I figured that if they comeback to m and say I shouldn't have been getting anything then I'd just pay it back. But I've paid so much tax and ni that I think I should b entitled!! It's the only benefit I've ever claimed.
How is your new girl getting on? I've taken someone on now but I'm freaking out about it!! Can't get my head around leaving my business with someone else. I also had one complaint from a longstanding customer that has now made me doubt her abilities. But sometimes people just aren't happy with change.
I've convinced myself that I won't have a business left after 10 weeks off! I'm such a worrier tho! Hope you're ok xx
Hi Hun, all is good at the salon! My girl is fab, I'm so lucky! Having lots of texts saying how lovely she is so that's taken away a big worry! The 10/11 hour days are starting to kill me now but only a few more weeks and I can give her an extra day so I will only be in 30/35 hours :)

I spoke to an accountant client today, they seemed uncertain that I would get anything, I'm my eyes though I'm not earning, the business is! Money goes into the business account not mine, business account is a lot healthier than my personal one!!! I only pay myself about £200 a week if that, so yes I can take from the business if need be but I never do because it's the salons money not mine! Going to call citizens advice on my day off next week and see how I stand, I think it's disgusting if we aren't entitled to anything :( if we aren't then im giving myself a hefty pay rise!!! xx
That's exactly the way I see it as I won't be earning anywhere near as much as I do now. I pay myself a wage like you do but as the business is yours any profit you make whether you use it or not is still your earnings. Let me know how you get on at citizens advice. I was hoping to claim anyway!! I filled my form in and don't remember it asking about earnings. Anyway how do we know how much we will earn while we are off. Overheads will be higher with having to pay a wage.
I've had good feedback about girl too but that one lady really worried me! Hoping it was just a one off. I'm going down to three days a weeks from next week and finishing on 31st July. Two weeks before due date but i may pop in and do the odd bit! Can't keep away!
I will keep u up to date!

I'm sure she will be fine, chuck her in at the deep end! At least u have time to iron out any little issues now, we are going away for 4 nights soon so my girl is holding the place together, good way to see how she copes with out me calling in every day! X
I have just kind of let her get on with it but the complaint was about her painting - she left a massive gap from the cuticle. Almost like two weeks growth worth!! I have picked her up on it and checked her work since so I feel a lot happier but I'm a perfectionist and don't like the idea of my clients getting crappy treatments! Like you say tho I can iron out any problems. She will be on her own every wed and Friday from now on but I'm def going to pop in on her! She is great with the customers, can hold a good conversation with them so I think once her confidence improves all will b good. She's only worked 5 days so far so maybe I'm expecting too much!
Glad you're starting to slow down, I had a bit of a meltdown last week so think all the hours are starting to get too much. It's hard when clients want appointments tho! Take care hun xx
Twinkles phone the HMRC and discuss it with them, they are incredibly helpful and will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

I had heard in passing that you can earn money from your business as long as you yourself aren't working iyswim - I could be wrong though as I'm not self employed in the same way - worth looking into though :)
Spoke to citizens advice who just read out to me what I can read online, useless, passed to national insurance, passed onto job centre now back on the phone to the benefits number I called in the first place! Why is it all so bloody difficult! Where's the help?!x
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Oooo shock onto another number to call!!!!!!

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