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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Posted this in third tri, my waters have gone still not having super strong contractions....what do i do? i called labour ward, what else do i do now? omg im gonna have a baby...omg im gonna have a fit im scared :(
i have im scared :( and this is so uncomfortable....this waters thing...its horrible :puke:
yeah i hated when my waters broke too. made me shake. Cassi call the hospital and tellthem chick. :hug: you're going to be fine. you're going to meet baby soon :cheer: :hug:
Good Luck Cassi Hun, not long till you have your little Jakob in your arms, it will all be worth it!!! :hug: :hug:
Awwwwwww good luck! You going to the Royal Berks? Am sure you will be absolutely fine, all the bits over the next few hours are bringing you closer to meeting Jakob. Did you call the labour ward yet? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good luck hun, keep us posted. It's sooo exciting! :cheer:
Good luck Cassi

Yeah I agree, waters gushing out isn't a nice feeling and when you get stronger contractions there will be more water to come BUT you will soon get so used to it that it wont bother you at all.

Try and remain calm, is everything in your labour bag? Take some deep breaths and envisage holding Jakob, this is such a special time for you, don't let your fears of the unknown spoil it for you.

Ooo cassi so exciting

I simpathise with the water thing tho, the midwife broke my waters with lily and made me take a wlk around the hospital :puke: ,

I'm sure everything will be fine, try not to worry your body knows what its doing even if you don't lol

good look just thing of the little one you'll be holding very soon.



Jakob will be here soon!

Ooooohhhhh Im so excited for you!!! I hope all goes perfectly. Good Luck chick........Are you still around, do we have an update??
:hug: good luck hun - you'll do great!

How exciting!

Cassi, I know you must be scared, but just think, this is a lovely way for it to happen, your waters breaking on their own and all. Naturally, as it should be :)

Be brave, you'll be fab! :hug:
Aww hun ull be fine! my waters broke at 6:30am too and its horrible when u know noones up!
Ull be fine hun, tell us all about it when u get back and remember... PICCIES!!!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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