anyone live in or near aviemore


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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please could you tell me what the weather is like in february?

when does is snow?
My school takes the kids skiing there every February. They just went last week and it was snowing. It snowed so much last year that they came back a two days early to avoid being snowed in.
Hi budge

I used to live up near inverness and used to drive through/past aviemore when we travelled back to england.

The general rule I found up there was that you wouldn't get too much snow until the end of jan/ begining of Feb and then you got absolutly loads of it. normally at least 5 inchs of it.

So yep normally plenty of snow, looks lovely but not great to drive in :D


we want to take the girls there in february to se the snow but mr budge doesn't fancy being snowed in either.
is there cstill snow in march?
hum couldn't really be sure, it's been about 3 years since we move from up there.

With the way the weather has been resently it could be possible but I think normally you get more showers then snow at this sort of time.

But Aviemore is a lovely little town ( have you been before?) so could be worth going for a visit anyway, plus even there isn't snow there, the trip there is very scenic and you come across some lovley snow topped montains (even in the summer lol).

I used to live on Loch Lomond we'd head up there every February for my birthday, we'd go skiing or just for a mess around and can say I have ALWAYS had a white birthday there, snow galore. So the weather is likely to be cold and snowy!! :D
Hi Budge,

I'm not too far away from there plus we usually go there if we are having a nice weekend away.
For snow you are best in Jan / Feb.... occationally there is some in March, but you can never tell.

As Suzx said it is a lovely place and there is loads to do if the skiing is off...

I found this website if you like...

Or this is where we usually stay (they have watersport activities there or they can arragne skiing lessons)... you can rent a chalet and it's not far from aviemore at all.

Hope this helps a little

we have decided to go next february half term for a week :)

suz - i went to aviemore when i was 11 and i remeber it being lovely.

I live a few 100 miles away but go up there regularly. The Hilton Coylumbridge does 'toddler weeks' which bascally is 4 nights, dinner, bed and breakfast, gives you free entry into tourist stuff, entertainment every night, babysittinf for kids and lots is reallHope this helpsy worth it. They dont advertise it on the website, you'd have to phone them.
angelcakes said:

The Hilton Coylumbridge does 'toddler weeks' .

I've been there before and it's lush!!! Didnt know they did toddler weeks tho!! Will have to look into that!!
The general rule for Avimore is its always FOOKIN freezin regardless of what time of month it is!!!!!!!

We have rain and high winds up here at the moment.

I have been told there is snow on the hills round Avimore... but its not snowing in the lower ground.
was up snowboarding about 4 weeks ago and although there wernt many runs open, they'd really groomed the snow well. Its a lottery really, snow hasnt been the best for the past couple of years. But there are other resorts within a couple of hours drive away that might have better snow.

Regardless of that its a beautiful area, go to the website it has up to date info on snow and what runs are open!

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