Excuse the length that this may turn into.
The group arrived at my friends house just after 7pm, came in and the main leader sat down to talk to us while the rest of the group brought in the equipment. The first thing the group did was to have two of them go round with an EMF (electromagnetic field) meter. There was one really high reading from J's daughters bedroom but in the wall? They couldnt trace it to anything in the room apart from the wall. Also, as they were doing the EMF sweep downstairs, one of the girls commented that she had her hood tugged. Great start.
They set up the equipment and the night officially begun. I went upstairs with J to do an EVP session, after the females of their group did J's room. Nothing really happend there apart from a click noise. I was then sent to the daughters room with V, another EVP session and camcorder sweep. When we went to start, the camcorder went crazy, the screen kept flashing blue and beeping. Took it downstairs, the leader sorted it then went back up to try again. Nothing again really happend. Mind you, during this the girls from their group were back in J's room with a k2 meter. They said that the k2 meter kept flashing, which may be a sign of a spirit present. Also, just before me and V left the daughters room, the team leader had heard Elizabethan style music coming through the wireless microphone in J's room and when we left the room it stopped. The group put a laser pen in J's room and we had a break.
After a short break, I went round with two of the girls from the group. One had a camcorder and me and the other girl had voice recorders. In J's room, the laser pen was OFF. No one had been in the room since we put it there and it had to be twisted to be turned off. It was put back on and put on the bed. T was asking for the pen, k2 meter and a torch to be manipulated, all of a sudden, the laser pen dimmed dramatically, but nothing else. C and L went into the boys room but came down rather quick as they both complained of something tickling their legs. Cue another break.
After that I went back upstairs with V and T in the boys room. Questions were asked and I took photos. One came out really strange and no one can explain it. Will put that up shortly. I "think" I got my bum touched as I felt a small pressure there. L had her hair pulled in another room as well. J went up in her room and after a min or so she shouted that the door was moving and the handle moved up.
I was then sent with C into the daughters room with a laser thermometer and C had a camcorder. I was asked to point the thermo at a solid object. get the initial temp then ask the temp of it to be manipulated. The temp of the item slowly started to drop, it eventually went from 22.6 to 21.7. Also, the camcorders battery drained without warning.
After me, J and V were sent into seperate rooms alone to do a final EVP session, we ended and the team packed up. My voice recorder had ended up staying in the daughters room and i am going to listen to it very shortly.
Had a great night and really want to do it again.