Anyone heard off KJ lately?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I was just wondering as I havn't seen any posts from her lately? I know she is due about the same time as me, snuggle, nikkif etc - am i just missing something??

Hope everything is ok

Piglet xx
I was thinking the same to be honest.... not been around for a while!
no havent seen her around for a bit, i wondered about her also x

i have seen the odd post from her maybe last week or so but not much. She seemed like all was well on the posts!!

Nikki x
Hi :wave:

She has replied to a few posts in last week or so, think she is ok, probably just really busy

Julie xx
Piglet, have been meaning to ask you, how come your due date is down as Sep 16th in the September babies bit under Autumn babies? My due date is Sep 13th and we're both 17 weeks today :shock:

oh, thats because I thought it was 16th originally, but then they changed it at my 12 weeks scan! hehe. I'd forgotten it even said it there! Ah well, at least it shows you are paying attention!! lol

We are only 3 weeks from half way - scarey!!!

Piglet xx
Its actually went quite quickly :?

I have my 20 week scan in just over 2 weeks but not going to tell them I had private gender scan and see what they say :wink: Only thing is, I have to go on my own because hubby is abroad for a few weeks :cry:

Julie xx
I've got to wait till 30th April for my 20 week scan! Thats part the reason i decided to go private - think I'll stay quiet too, just to test them! :wink:

Piglet xx
pigletpoo said:
I've got to wait till 30th April for my 20 week scan! Thats part the reason i decided to go private - think I'll stay quiet too, just to test them! :wink:

Piglet xx

just browsing this section and i noticed this, your scan date is 30th april, my due date is the same, that just emphasises how close i am, i'm sure the time will fly by for you too x :D :hug:
Hi all,

I'm still here! Just been really bust and then away for a few weekends. I still read everyone's posts but am only getting the chance to reply sometimes.

Thanks so much for the concern.

Had my 16 week appointment a few weeks ago and baby is doing well. Went to see my auntie at Eaaster who is a midiwfe and she listened to the heartbeat and gave me a checkup yesterday aswell. That was really cool.

And now I've got under 3 weeks to go till my 20 week scan!! SOooooooo excited!!

How are all my due date buddies doing?

I'm finding that I don't think I can feel baby yet, but sometimes I'm not sure. Anyone else around the same stage feeling much movement yet? And what does it feel like?

wow kj i can't believe your 16 weeks :shock: .

i wish i had an auntie who was a midwife, how cool is that.... glad all is well

good luck hun this is where it starts getting fast :wink:

Hi KJ,

I dont feel baby move yet either, I think its quite normal not to at our stage as its our first baby :D

I have my 20 week scan next Friday (will be 19+1 weeks) and am looking forward to it although I'm going alone because hubby is away :cry:

Hi neeko and snuggle,

I'm 18 weeks tomorrow Neeko! how scary is that! I've been keeping up with your posts in 3rd tri. Looks quite interesting in there with all the ladies going into labour!!

Snuggle, that's annoying that your hubby can't go to your scan with you. Will you be able to get lots of pictures to show him? My scan is on the 30th when I'll be 20+5, I'm hoping it'll come round fast!!

My DH heard the heartbeat for the first time at my aunties yesterday. He was amazed how loud and clear it was and said it kind of made everything real! How weird to think I've got 2 hearts beating inside me!!

Hey, glad you're ok!

I don't think I'm feeling movements - just like a bit of pulling sensation. And I can tell when he is jumping on my bladder because i feel real sudden pressure for a wee, and can't really go when I get there! But no kicks or anything.

My 20 week scan is the 30th also (20+4 for me) so I'm looking forward to that!
Did either of you (Snuggle and KJ) go for the blood tests that detect downs? I'm suppost to be going for mine thursday when I'll be 18 exactly, and they are supposed to be done at 16 - just wondered how long they take?

KJ - I agree the heartbeat thing is strange! I could hear mine in the background then my little boys sounded like a little steam train coming up really fast! LOL

Piglet xx

I had the blood tests done at 15 weeks and have results tomorrow so mine have taken 3 weeks but that probably varies :hug:
Hi Piglet,

me and DH discussed this for a long time and decided not to have the triple test.

We felt that we didn't like the fact that you get the results as a probability. They call anything under 1 in 250 a high risk, but even if you get a 1 in 5 chance of down's, that's still an 80% chance you'll have a healthy baby! I discussed it with my auntie aswell, who said she's had a lot of clients have unreliable high risks and unreliable low risks.

Also, even if we had a hgh risk, we wouldn't have the amniocentesis and we wouldn't have a termination, so we figured there really was no point having the blood test. I don't want to be worrying for the rest of my pregnancy aswell, I want ot enjoy it and I'll love this baby whatever.

Having said all this, I completely understand people who do have the triple test. It's completely up to each individual (or couple) and I think everyone has the right to make their own decision.
KJ said:
Hi neeko and snuggle,

I'm 18 weeks tomorrow Neeko! how scary is that! I've been keeping up with your posts in 3rd tri. Looks quite interesting in there with all the ladies going into labour!!

Snuggle, that's annoying that your hubby can't go to your scan with you. Will you be able to get lots of pictures to show him? My scan is on the 30th when I'll be 20+5, I'm hoping it'll come round fast!!

My DH heard the heartbeat for the first time at my aunties yesterday. He was amazed how loud and clear it was and said it kind of made everything real! How weird to think I've got 2 hearts beating inside me!!


oh wow... 18 weeks even sorry :wink: even closer.. oh and don't worry about not feeling anything, i didn't till about 21 weeks i think... and long as you little beauty is happy and you can her the beat your fine :lol: :lol:

yes it is very interesting over in the 3rd trimester, but i'm soooooooooooooooooo scared 9 weeks left today... i still can't quite believe she'll be here soon ahhhhhhhh it's all to much.


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