Anyone having a waterbirth?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Just wondering cause as this is my first i feel so drawn to it for some reason, just seems soothing and relaxing..
I've spoke with the mid wife and she's said that it should be no problem having it arranged.

Anyone had a waterbirth before and have any stories to tell - was it a good or bad experience or would you recommend or not :wink:
Hey hun, I really want a water birth too and posted virtually the same questions as you a couple of weeks ago and I got loads of really helpful replies :D
pacha said:
Hey hun, I really want a water birth too and posted virtually the same questions as you a couple of weeks ago and I got loads of really helpful replies :D

:doh: must have been sleeping that day

Thanks :wink:
I had a waterbirth at home in 2007 with my first baby. I am planning another home waterbirth in 3 months time!

Here's my birth story (its long) - viewtopic.php?f=60&t=44062&p=557771#p557771

I can't recommend it highly enough, brilliant pain relief (I just used tens then water to relieve the pain), so soothing and just fab! Its like being in this big warm pool and feels so natural.

Happy to answer any questions you have about it!

Valentine Xxx
And it reduces the chance of needing stitches - very few women that have waterbirth's tear. I'm gonna see how I get on at home, and if it gets too much, head into hospital for a waterbirth.
I really want one too! And seeing as how my mw said you can get out whenever you want and don't have to actually give birth in it if you don't want to, I figure what harm can it do?! I'd like to go all the way with it at the moment, but it's always good to know you can change your mind even at the last minute lol
I'm planning a home water birth too all being well at the growth scan :D
valentine said:
I had a waterbirth at home in 2007 with my first baby. I am planning another home waterbirth in 3 months time!

Here's my birth story (its long) - viewtopic.php?f=60&t=44062&p=557771#p557771

I can't recommend it highly enough, brilliant pain relief (I just used tens then water to relieve the pain), so soothing and just fab! Its like being in this big warm pool and feels so natural.

Happy to answer any questions you have about it!

Valentine Xxx

Sorry i'm gatecrashing.. Valentine, I read (and re-read) your story over the last couple of weeks cos I'd really like a water birth, but when I spoke to my midwife she was totally against it. Mainly cos of my bmi (which is 40 i think) and because of my history of miscarriages. Should I try and push for it or just go with the flow of wherever they push me?
Ask to speak to the consultant midwife at your local maternity hospital. The thing you need to remember is that the midwives can offer you advice, but the final choice is with you. All units will have their local policy's and protocals - but these are guidelines and everything is negotiable. So ask to speak to the Head of Midwifery or one of the consultants. They can properly explain the risks to you.
Jaded Diamond said:
Valentine, I read (and re-read) your story over the last couple of weeks cos I'd really like a water birth, but when I spoke to my midwife she was totally against it. Mainly cos of my bmi (which is 40 i think) and because of my history of miscarriages. Should I try and push for it or just go with the flow of wherever they push me?

Hi JD,

The issue with my BMI that I mention in my birth story was more to do with the fact I planned to give birth at home, rather than the fact I wanted to give birth in water - no-one ever seemed to have an issue with the giving birth in water bit.

I would have a look at the AIMS website ( and speak to other midwives in your area (if you can). It is your request to give birth how you choose (if you've had a straightforward pregnancy) so please don't let anyone bully you into a corner - definitely stick up for yourself!

Valentine Xxx
I have thought about a waterbirth but I have one worry and I apologise if this is TMI, but I know alot of women poop when trying to push the baby out and the thought just makes me cringe especially if I was in water!!!! :oops: :oops:

I am I been silly or has anyone else thought of this!!!

Dont worry about poo hun, the midwife will fish it out with a sieve :hug:
when I spoke to my midwife she was totally against it. Mainly cos of my bmi (which is 40 i think) and because of my history of miscarriages. Should I try and push for it or just go with the flow of wherever they push me?

JD I think it depends on where (and whether) your hospital has a birthing pool - mine has one in the birthing centre which you can only use if you're classed as low risk (which is where your bmi is an issue) but also has one on the labour ward so you can still have a water birth if high risk (which I may also be depending on what the consultant says about my low platelets). If they've got a pool on the labour ward - or are prepared for you to bring one in - there's no reason your bmi or history should affect you having a water birth at all; what pain relief/relaxation method you choose to use to get you through labour is up to you unless there are real problems.
Awesome Splash & Valentine ty!
I've got an appointment with the consultant on the 16th March so i'll have a word with him then I think as theres a birthing pool at the hospital (but just one) hopefully he'll say its a possibility.
I would love to but am not allowed :( due to having a section with my second and now considered high risk, it exclusdes me from the midvife birthing unit too which I do not understand as it is only down stairs from the main hospital delivery and theatres. But rules is rules it appears.
i have been thinkign about this..when the time comes may see if the pool is availble in our hospital as they only have one :wall: :wall: :wall:

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