Anyone have holiday bookd for 2nd tri??


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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just wondered if anyones planning to fly in their 2nd trimester?
we have a hols booked over new year - its about an 7-8 hour journey
My accupuncturist scared me that i shouldnt be flying that far after 2 early miscarriages - he said max 2hours - not much sun i can get with that in December :)
I was under the impression 2nd trimester was ok - and i was told my mc were so early that they were prob just unfertilised eggs almost (or bad luck as the dr told me) and so even tho this pregnancy is counted as slightly higher risk, it isnt really if that makes any sense!!
Anyone else planning to fly? if so have you had previous mc? and how long are you planning to fly for?
thank you
Hollie xx
hey hun

didnt want to read and run, i havent had any mc but i flew to turkey with my second child at 14 weeks and was just advised to wear flight socks and move my around as your more at risk of DVT when pregnant and flying, i was also told the does and donts when it to eating and drinking abroad, as its not the same as here as any food poisioning can cause mc

i would double check with ur mw first though, Good Luck hope you can go xx
Hi, as far as im aware you can fly all through your pregnancy up until about 7-8months. I dont think it has any effect on the baby. I'll be 20 weeks when we go on holiday, 4-5 hour flight, im sure its fine :) but if your unsure speak to your midwife :) xx
I have just come back from Miami/NYC.

9 hour flight to Miami and 6 hours home from NYC.

The accupuncturist shouldn't have said that to you at all. Flying will not make you have a miscarriage. I have a had a mc before and I was told that it was 'just bad luck' like you say. The doctor almost laughed at me when I said I was concerned about the holiday. He told me to go and enjoy myself and relax. As it happens I didn't have the best time but that was because I tried to fit too much in. NYC is a bit in your face and busy etc and you get swept up along the sidewalks trying to keep up with everyone else. I was quite exhausted at the end of it.

You are only, by the statistics, slightly more likely to have a mc than someone who has never had one before so take solace in that.

My advice to you for flying would be:

Wear flight socks
Walk around the cabin were possible
Get an aisle seat for frequent trips to the toilet
Keep hydrated - I had 2 nosebleeding incidents which were a bit scary which I blame on being dehydrated

Where are you going? You might need to take a bit of extra care if it is somewhere where the hygiene standards are lacking somewhat.

Otherwise, have a great time!
thank u - This was what i thought...but he obviously worried me now - dont want to not be looking forward to our holiday...we are going to st lucia so i think we should be ok once we are there as we are pretty much going to be eating in the resort most of the time..
Yeah NY was probably quite exhausting !! x
Enjoy Hun,sounds like a relaxing holiday which will be just what you need.
Hiya I'm 29 weeks and got back from Majorca yesterday.
I think after 28 weeks airlines ask for a fit to fly letter to confirm pregnancy uncomplicated. Most airlines allow you to fly up until 34 weeks I think.
The one thing I would say is the seat belt... Had real difficultly trying to do it up over my bump... Maybe I should have asked for one of those extension things that they give to people who have toddlers on their laps

Make a pregnancy ticker

I flew to Vegas in in september - 3 flights - longest one was 8 hours. Torino's advice is good - pretty much what i would have gone with.

As far as I was aware Tri 2 is the safest time to fly. It was totally out of order to tell you that you shouldnt be flying. BTW - i'd had a previous mc too.


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