anyone had a baby lie transverse?

Hello ladies,

'Hope you don't mind me re-posting my questions here? I already asked them in Tri 3, but many are first timers and transverse lie is quite rare, so thought I'd also ask here.

About me: I already have a son and daughter (age 10 and eight) and I'm 35.

I'm concerned my baby is transverse (a private 3D scan at 27wks +5 days showed the baby's head to be in the middle of my abdomen/baby lying across). I don't think the baby has moved considerably, so I have a few questions for you.

Has anyone else's baby been transverse?

What position did you feel the kicks? How did you find out the baby was transverse? Did the hospital monitor your baby's position?

What was the outcome by the time of delivery? - i.e. did the baby turn at X number of weeks, or were you booked for a c-section?

I already know about, but most of the advice on turning babies is for breech babies. My m/w is concerned about my baby's position as I'm booked for a homebirth and because the baby had an estimated weight of 1804 grams (41lbs) at 27weeks+5 days, so is thought likely to be big at birth :shock:

Any advice/stories would be great. I'm dreading having to have a c-section, but I just want to have my baby delivered safely, so if I have to have one, then so be it.

I remember my 1st baby was transverse till about 32 weeks or so. I wasn't aware she was in that position till the MW told me. She had turned by 36 weeks so all was ok. Not too sure how much longer you have left hun but I know they usually give you till about 36 weeks for the baby to turn before they start to worry.
I currently havea transverse baby. She has been breech at every check up and scan...until last week, she decided to turn sideways. The midwife checked again a few days later (she had to come check my blood pressure at home as it was high few days before) and bubs was lay diagonal (oblique) but then the day after flipped transverse again.....sooooo i now have what the midwife calls an unstable lie....

No idea what will happen now, i have a scan on wednesday to confirm which way baby is lay. Midwife said they might try turning the baby (which i will refuse - would rather have the c-section).

Oh and i feel most of my movements down towards my bladder/cervix area.
My son kept switching between transverse & oblique right up until I was 35 wks then he suddenly turned and engaged!!
This LO is doing the same thing :x :x
I feel alot of movement towards my cervix ( when baby is trans) & on my right side just under my ribs (when she's oblique)
My MW says that I shouldn't really worry until about 36 wks coz babys often engage well before that - My son at 31 wks engaged to 3/5 then the wk later popped back to being transverse :wall: :wall: :x
There are options available for you if baby doesn't turn. I was told to try sleeping propped up rather than on your side as the qravity might help baby get their bearings :rotfl:
Hope everything goes great for you and you get the birth youd prefer :hug:

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