anyone got a grobag egg??


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Where is best to position the egg in the room??? :?
Just don't put it too close to the window because the outside temperature can affect the reading. I have got Jake's on top of his wardrobe(nursery wardrobe so it's not really high). Just make sure it's out of reach from your LO :D Also don't put it too close to any radiators as that will also affect the reading(I know you probably wouldn't anyway :D ). I don't know how big Mia's room is but if it's big then make sure the egg is fairly close to her because one end of the room might be colder than the other.
yea..its hard cos the radiator is under the window but theres no where to put it near her cot :( :(
We gave up using ours. We had it by the TV in our room, and even with the heat given off by it, it still showed the temperature as lower than it really was.
when my first was llittle they told me not to monitor the temperature of a room just have whats comfortable to us and put one extra layer on the baby ie one more layer of clothing than we had on
Mine's also gathering dust somewhere too.....

Made me paranoid and I couldnt sleep with the light on either.
I have mine on a small table in the nursery, where i also keep the baby monitor! I love my egg, it also makes a super night light for them middle of the night feeds!
all the places i can put mine are either near the radiator or window :(

hummmm what to do lol :|
You could try the floor maybe? next to her cot? :think:
I was going to say what erin said. On the floor next to the cot. I haven't used mine in ages.
mine is on the chest of draws next to cot..i like mine althoug i like it orange..tyellow is tooo chilly for me
i only put a sheeet on him if its red
I stopped using mine as I ended up getting paranoid about it. I feel that 16 - 20 is a bit too cold and prefered to have our home around 20 -23.

I used to place it on a shelf in the middle of the room away from radiators and TV's. xxx

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