Anyone else winding down BF?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Hi, following Bloom's recent post, is anyone else winding down BF and finding it quite hard?

I have started to give Emms a bottle of formula in the afternoons now. She gets formula at the childminders 3 days a week anyway, but doesnt drink much and BFs first thing in the morning and after work, evenings.

My plan is to give afternoon bottles for 2 weeks, then introduce morning bottles after that. Then carry on like that for a few weeks and then try and stop BF altogether by the time Emms is 1yr old.

This afternoon it was hard as Emms wanted boobies but did take some bottle although it did make me sad. I knew that she just wanted my boob as a dummy though!

I didnt know whether it was worth trying to support each other if others are doing a similar thing.

I've talked about doing this for ages, but am forcing myself to do it as I really dont want to BF for more than a year. I'm really proud that I've have got this far though as I thought I would stop by the time Emms was 6 months!! :D
I've no advice honey as DD self weaned from 2/3 feeds a day to none at one year old all of a sudden. However, I just wanted to wish you good luck.

Hi hun...I've stopped recently. I always said I probably would when DD got to around 6 months...I loved breastfeeding and didn't know if i' d be able to do it but just befoe she tuned 6 months she got her top 2 teeth and took to biting all the time and fussing loads...this helped me make my mind up. I intoduced a bottle before bed first, then the afternoon one and took it from there. Violet is younger than your lo tho and doesn't ask for boob specifically...she takes a bottle and doesn't mind as long as she's getting fed.

hope it goes well for you hun me if you want to know anything else or want some support. :hug:
hey hun,
jack is younger than your LO but we are planning to stop at 6 months, we have started giving jack a bottle of formula at night.
we are going to increase it gradually, im not sure we will completly stop by 6 months but most of his feeds will be formula! xx
Aww what can i say :lol:

Depends what day you ask me as to what my answer will be.

Oh and im still bf :rotfl:

Good luck though i hope its easier for you than it is for me.
Thanks everyone. It's such a mental hurdle to get over. I guess it's admitting that LO is growing up as well.

Does anyone have any good tips at getting a baby who is used to suckling the breast to sleep without the breast!!!! So far the only things that work are rocking on my lap in rocking chair, the car and the buggie. Controlled crying has varying success but it doesnt work in the day so far, just mummy and baby hysterical!
No never!!! If anything now lil miss can walk up to mummy, say boob, and pull tops down to fish boobies out...she has only increased her booby intake.. :rotfl:

loz said:
Thanks everyone. It's such a mental hurdle to get over. I guess it's admitting that LO is growing up as well.

Does anyone have any good tips at getting a baby who is used to suckling the breast to sleep without the breast!!!! So far the only things that work are rocking on my lap in rocking chair, the car and the buggie. Controlled crying has varying success but it doesnt work in the day so far, just mummy and baby hysterical!

Get OH/mum etc to put her to bed. Not you. You smell of DH can put lil miss to bed by putting her on his shoulder and walking up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down... till she drops off.. If I try and do that we have a screaming hissy fit and boob rooting. :|

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