Anyone else had this problem with section scar?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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I seem to have had a miraculous recovery after having Charlie, and feel almost normal again... until Saturday! :roll:

The right side of my scar has swollen up, so much so that you can see the swollen bit through my jeans. And I keep getting a stabbing pain in it as well. Because of the swelling (the swelling is all above the actual scar), I can't have a close look myself, so DH has looked and said it's not any redder than it was before it swelled up. But there is a very hard lump behind the scarline that made me shout in pain when he touched it. I've managed to get a doctors appointment for 2pm, but thought I'd ask if anyone else has had this before I go. I've had to change doctors because of moving house, so have no idea what this one is like so I'd rather go armed with information just in case!

I've also been getting dizzy spells since Saturday, which I'm not sure is connected.....

Any advise will be gratefully received! :hug:
Well, from the lack of replies, I take it that I'm unique with this problem! :wink:

I've just got back from the doctors (he was lovely), and it seems I've been doing too much. So, take this as a warning!! I've torn my scar inside, and now it's infected. This is what is causing the dizziness. So, now I'm on anti-biotics, with strict instructions to slow down. :roll: My problem is that I felt so bad while I was pg, I feel like I have been given a new lease of life now and keep forgetting I have just had major surgery. So I've sent DH off to pick Kayleigh up from school instead of me doing it, then he's taking me Tesco's to do a big shop to save me popping out every day. I know I should really send him on his own, but a family of 4 can't live for a week on cream cakes, doughnuts and lime tictacs, and that's all he'd come back with!! :rotfl: So he can push the trolley, Kayleigh can put the shopping in it, all I'll do is point - oh yes, and pay for it! :roll: :rotfl:
:rotfl: about the shopping, sounds like my OH :lol:

Sorry you've torn it, and sorry you got no replies either! Hope it heals up quick, and yes slow down missus, sit on your bum and enjoy your boy :D
Sorry Tan i would of replyed but only just seen ur post now i have been out this morning. Ok ur just about a week ahead of me arnt ya hun? i have been getting the sharp pain in my right hand side but sooo far its not swelled up, my scar is infected and iam on antibiotics aswell, i can see my scar and its really really red and it was bleeding abit over the weekend, i have to go back to docs when my tablets are finished if it isnt settled. I totally know how u feel about cooking etc i feel the samne way, i know iam doing too much but if i dont do who does???

I hope u are feeling better soon hun :hug:
sorry i cant give u any advice hun :hug:

my 1st scare healed up with no problems at all,

hope ur scare gets better soon
Wow, that sounds scary :( I had a C-section first time round and I know I was pretty scared of it for a few weeks afterwards!

You take it nice and easy, and I hope the pain and the swelling subside quickly for you.
Hope you both start to feel better soon, having never had a c section couldn't offer any advice sorry but thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery :hug:
Hi Tankett, sorry to hear you have an infection. I keep being warned about not overdoing it when I've had mine too as you can feel great but the inside of the scar takes a long time to heal and apparantley you can end up stretching your scar and making it bigger :shock: People already keep telling me to slow down and remember I'm pregnant so I can imagine how frustrated you are! I have already been planning my running schedule for when I have the all clear, I will be climbing the walls until then :lol:
I am taking it really easy today - I am soooo bored!!!!!

Charlie has been up half the night with his cold, so he's now peacefully sleeping, and I can't do anything! DH has rang twice already to check up on me and I am under strict instructions to leave the washing machine, tumble dryer, dishwasher and hoovering until he gets home! Oh, and to find something easy for me to cook for dinner! :roll: :rotfl: I'm never going to get him to cook! :rotfl:

The swelling is worse today, but I'm being a good girl and sitting here in my maternity joggers so they don't cut in. I look really fat!! :rotfl:
Good you should be taking it easy! I was told you shouldn't do any housework for 6 weeks so take advantage :lol:
oooh, i had his 8 years ago after I had twinnies.

Had problems with it ever since, hopefully mine was an extreme case as had to take antibiotics for 6 months and then had to open me back up and clean up again, so it was like having 2 sections in 6 months.

I have had problems ever since and now that I am pg again it is playing up and infected again... got docs appt for Thur.

Well basically what I'm trying to say is that I was told to relax and didn't and ignored what the doc's said( well it's impossible to relax with twins) so you ladies take note and put your feet up and chill so you avoid what happened to me. :)

oh and good luck to you all with your new arrivals :clap:
was just wondering how u were doing tankett??? hope ur feeling better :hug:

i have been told by my MW im not allowed to leave the house this weekend! and am not allowed to do anything :x

my scar has started to bleed :shock:

it does my head in they tell u not to do anything its so hard when u have a toddler who just wants attention of thier mummy and u can do nowt with them :cry:

i can hardly walk atm and im in loads of pain, i suppose its my own fault for doing too much too soon!! :x
Sophie and Tankett, I hope you are both feeling better :hug:

Thanks for posting about this problem as I have taken heed of your warnings ahead of my section on Thursday. I just know I would have overdone it otherwise.
ooh Skatty, good luck with Thursday!!!

hope you other ladies are feelong better too :hug:
Aww Sophie :hug: Sorry to hear you're having problems too.

I'm much better now, thankfully. The anti-biotics definitely did the trick. Just trying really hard to remember not to overdo things again!

Skatty - listen to everyone hun! I didn't and look where it got me! :roll:
totally agree with tankett, try not to do too much skatty hun :hug: :hug:

i was seen by MW 2day and she seemed to think it was looking better and doesnt want to see me for another week, so i have had a alright day not done too much, anyway 2nite putting alastair to bed and i had a look at my scar and they was loads of blood and i could see where it is opened i bloody shit myself called for my OH its awful, so i give it a clean and will see what its like 2morrow :roll:

i just wanna get back to normal :cry:
Oh Sophie that sounds awaful, I hope you are better today :hug:

I have heeded yours and Tanketts advice and have bought a book called cesarean recovery which tells you what excercises you can do to help heal. My DH is home for 3 weeks so I've decided to do nothing for the first week!

I hope you both heal soon x
Sorry about the problems you've had. I didn't have anything like that happen to me when I had a c-section but still get stinging now and then and I had my son 7 years ago, strange. :roll:

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