Anyone else had sharp twinges?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2014
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Hi I'm 4 weeks pregnant and suffered a mmc last October so I'm naturally on edge over being pregnant again. I have having sharp twinges for past couple of days low down on my abdomen and mainly in the left hand side. They aren't mega painful and I'm hoping I'm panicking over nothing. Has anyone else experienced this? My main concern is ectopic. Also I ov from left side this month with considerably more discomfort that normal. Any advice greatly appreciated xx
Sounds normal to me. I'd only worry if it is constant or carries on for a long time.
No it's not constant it's more when I'm up and about if I sit down it pretty much goes away. I know some cramping is to be expected I'm just a bit nervous about this pregnancy. Thanks for advice x
I'm having the same thing on and off today, left hand side. I'm 6 weeks today according to LMP but think I may be a few days further as I ovulate early normally. Definitely worrying but I retested last night and had a very strong line very quickly. Not even sure it makes a difference but makes me feel a bit better.

I hope you are feeling better x
Hi they have calmed down a lot still get them but only briefly and that aren't always in left side so I'm not worrying unless it gets worse or get other symptoms.

It's the mood swings and the tears I can't stop today lol.

I been considering doing another test a strong line sounds good to me wonder if I would feel better if I did that.

Hope you feel better tomorrow x
I'm 4 weeks and I too have the same symptoms. I feel dull cramp like pains on my left side, dull lower left side back pain, and sometimes I feel the same on my right. It's never consistent. I mostly notice it when I'm sitting on relaxed. It's just annoying and uncomfortable but no where near painful. However, I'm told its normal and just the perks of pregnancy!

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