Anyone else feeling like a huge big bloater after chrimbo??

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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I started off good but by Boxing Day I was stuffing my face with basically anything I could get my hands on...DH had to lock the dogs in the shed for fear I would start on them too.... :lol:

And so now I feel like a huge big bloater and I had been sooo good until Christmas too. :wall:

Darn my lack of will power!! :shakehead:
Oh I wish............I was so poorly over Xmas that I hardly ate at all :(

Saying that I have put on 2.5 stone during this pregnancy, so am sure I wont be wasting away anytime soon :D
yeah I feel enormous too. I was still stuffing my face last nite after a huge new years dinner. I even had 2 desserts. I think it might be boredom as I'm off work now. I really should start some exercise, might start going for walks, maybe even swimming. I hadnt really put on any weight, but I seem to have ballooned over the past 2 weeks :oops: :oops:
I do feel really big but that has more to do with being overweight. I've still only put on around 6/7 pounds so i'm quite pleased with that. Some days i seem to eat for England and others hardly anything. I think it depends on how baby is lied.

Grace xx
I'm not p/g but feel like thay anyway!!

by way just noticed you ticker.. where the hell has that time gone!
I have no idea....I am having a c section too so bubs will be here in 9 weeks. 9 WEEKS!!!!! HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN???!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Back to the topic...

Just had some melba toast with cottage cheese on for my tea (Im a cottage cheese addict) in a bid to make myself feel better.

Just need to resist the urge to scoff the rest of the choccie lurking in the cupboards....someone tie me down....

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