Anyone else affected byt he teavhers strikes on Thursday?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Just wondered if anyone else was to be affected by the teachers NUT union strikes on Thursday?

Beth & Tom finished school today with a leter informing us that school would be closed & that they will be striking for the first time in 21 years as they are campaiginng for better pay increases....

Anyone else affected by this & what do you think of the situation?
I'm not affected as obviously I only have Arianna.

I do agree with them pushing for better wages etc as alot of my friends are teachers and the pay and conditions are shocking, it's just unfortunate that the kids have to loose out on school while it gets sorted (although I doubt any of the kids will be complaining ;))
I agree that wages should be increased fairly with inflation but yes I agree with the kids schooling being interupted, not too happy with that especially when they are just settling back in after a week off & then one of us has to take a day off to stay home :?

I know that these things are done to prove a point & there's a good point to it but they are so inconvenient! :) It's a good job that the rest of the under paid public sector doesn't join in! Unfortunate but they're not the only under paid profession & not everyone strikes to prove a point :?

Bit of a controversial subject really isn't it :think:
yeh, the thing is I think this is a sort of last resort thing as they have been ignored for so long doing the usual meetings with union reps back and fore.
:think: Well, I have to look after my 10 year old brother on Thursday because of it. Had I not have been able to have him, my mum would have had to pay for private childcare for the day or take a day off work unpaid.

She doesn't get a payrise over the rate of inflation, yet she is the one hit with more costs when the teachers strike. Personally, I think it's unfair on the pupils and the parents!

If the pay issue isn't resolved this time round will they strike again? :?
OH yes, does this mean I get a day off on Thursday? :cheer:

I'll probably join the picket line, if there is one. Last time the dinner-ladies went on strike i joined them for the march at Stormont. I was the only person from school to go.
Well harrison also came home with a letter today saying he will be off school on thursday.
Best thing about it he only went back to school TODAY after 2 weeks of easter holidays.

I hope they get what they want out of it though.
Ooh I didn't know about this - if I was still working then I'd be involved.

Wonder if it is in scotland too.
im not sure if my daughters school is involved. she doesnt go back till tomoro so i suppose we will find out then
Bee said:
Ooh I didn't know about this - if I was still working then I'd be involved.

Wonder if it is in scotland too.

As far as I know it is here too!
As far as I know it is a national thing. I have had to re arrange my shift on Thursday although the department is short staffed due to staff having to take time off... so there we go, short staffed on nurses because we have to be off to cover the teachers who get more wage rises anyway than nurses. Can you imagine if we all went on strike?? That would cause a problem!
SarahH said:
Bee said:
Ooh I didn't know about this - if I was still working then I'd be involved.

Wonder if it is in scotland too.

As far as I know it is here too!

Wow! I could have had my 1st strike :lol:
We still don't know! Josh's school only went back today so they'll probably have a letter tonight :roll:

I'm not gonna say what I really think about the strike cos I can't be arsed with a debate but I ain't happy :shakehead:
i have 1 at primary school & 1 at secondary school & Josh whos 6 WILL be at school, only 2 classes out of year 1 are in school that day, half the school are off & the other half have to go in as usual :roll:

but Georgia at secondary school is OFF :roll: its a joke, 1 child off & 1 child going.
Josh hasn't clicked yet that some of his mates are going to be off & his sister, i'm not going to tell him though, he'll be :x :x :rotfl:

i haven't reallt got an opinion, apart from i've had a shitty letter from school because we are gong on holiday in June & taking them out of schhol coz its a £1000 cheaper :shock: but they can take a day off to strike :shock: :shakehead:
Would like to add that it is ONLY the NUT who have voted for strike action - there are in fact many other Teachers' Unions (I'm an ATL member) so most schools would not necessarily need to close but perhaps have opted to do so. I know if I were still working I would be reluctant to provide cover for a striking colleague!! (Shows a lack of support for a start).

As for teachers' wages, yes, they are cack, especially when you consider that most of us work 60+ hours in an average term-time week. Not sure if I agree with the strike though and I'm not convinced it will change anything but I'm guessing it's more for publicity than anything else.
It's getting a point across, and creating publicity, which is what they think it needs.

I'm pretty sure both my brother and sister are off thursday, it makes no difference to us really as my brother is technically old enough to look after my sister, and i'll more then likely be in most of the day too.

It must be a pain for those with younger children but if it is their only strike in years then we cant really complain, its not like buses, which are on strike every year
I don't know what I feel about it really. It doesn't affect me directly, my brother is 15 and so can look after himself. My mum is a TA and the strike is written on her calender - but to remind her that others are striking.

I'm not actually sure if her school is closing or not..

I agree that teachers should get paid more (as should most of the public sector!) but i don't know whether this disruption is the way to do it or not. I guess if it's their only way of getting heard... tis a shame it has to come to this!
Yes I agree that teachers work long and hard hours, I have 2 close family members who are both teachers but I don't agree with the strike.

I don't believe that it will make any difference to wages, just stress out the parents whom have to take time off to care for the children at short notice, therefore having a knock back on everyone elses profession.

As stated earlier, yes I do believe that pay rises are in need in many professions but I don't think that striking is the way to do this. The thing that concerns me the most to be honest is the attitude that is being picked up by our children that if we can't get our own way, don't do it! These are the people that are influencing my children ... makes me dissapointed :?
When I started teaching I didn't join a union as I didn't like the idea of being told I had to strike. It's not something I personally would want to do to make a point and I don't feel it's a very good way to make a point.

In the case of teaching most people sadly miss the point the teachers are trying to make about the value of education and only see the babysitting element. I do feel that it is fair enough for people to complain about the impact on pupils' education but teachers are not babysitters so to say they shouldn't strike because people will need to get babysitters for the day has nothing to do with the issues.

I don't know how many schools will be affected in Scotland - in Aberdeen almost everyone is either with EIS or SSTA. And we have a different pay structure here and on the basic mainscale get more money.

This is not aimed at anyone on PF - People here are saying that they are going to have problems getting childcare and that it is affecting them in that way and I think that is fair enough - I know I'd be annoyed and want to vent! Please don't get angry with me for voicing this opinion - as I have said, I am against teachers striking.

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