anyone dieting?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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just wondering if anyone wants to give and recieve some support.. im on day 4 of my diet and feeling really great.. and really possitive.. i have msn if anyone wants to add me?
Are you following a special diet or something you have designed yourself? I so need to sort myself out with that.... :(
i guess ive semi detoxed.. no crap at all.. tried to eat as much raw stuff as possible.. fruit vegs etc and lots of water.. im just doing it myself.. trying to eat healthier and cut down on the rubbish.. ive cut it out completly right now though..
That's what I need to do too. Since I had LO I have just eaten loads of crap- I guess it is partly 'cos it is fast and partly for comfort. But I have noticed that my immune system is so low and I guess I am not really fuelling it by sitting here eating Jaffa Cakes :oops:
I am gonna get back on my no sugar thing because I was really healthy with that. Have you tried Quinoa grain - it's the only grain that is a complete protein and a fantastic health food, when you don't want to have meat.
yeah i have tried it.. didnt liek the taste lol. but there we go..

i knwo what you mean about fuling up on shit.. i started to feel really sluggish in the afternoons.. and i was absolutly knackered.. in bed my boobs and tripple chin were competing with each other to see which could sufforcate me 1st..i jsut thought enough is enough.. me and alex hardly have sex anymore.. i jsut feel terrible.. i cant stand him seeing me naked.. he told me when i was pregnant that he prefurs me smaller (not the belly bit he jsut said my thighs had gone chunkier to and he wanted me to be healthier) but you know what it is like.. you take it to heart and men cant say the right thing ever can they.. but its stuck with me.. and ive put on shit loads of weight after having teds.. and it makes me think... jeezzz what does he think now?! i want to go back to the old lisa that he 1st met.. the size 14-16.. that would be grea.t. even if i get into a size 18.. great.. i sjut want to be 'normal' again.
Hi hun!!!

Check the PF Fat Figters club! (its right on top of the page!)

I am on a diet and lost more then a stone (I have loads more to loose)

Good luck to you with your diet! :hug:


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