I think im really lucky Maia doesnt seem to be a fussy eater and I havent had any real major problems.
At first my right nip was sore and, it bled and was very cracked but I used Lansinoh cream and it cleared up within 2 days, havent had to use it since. When I was pg I used to squeeze colostrum out and rub over my nips because I read that it hardens them and prepares them for BF, not sure if it has worked or not
She went from 8lb 13 to 9lb 2oz when weighed at 2 weeks old.
At 3 1/2 weeks old she was 9lb 12oz.
At 5 weeks old she was 10lb 10oz.
So something is definitely going right
Just started expressing last week so hubby gives her her last feed before we go to bed and he also fed her during the night at the weekend.
She does struggle sometimes to latch on, particularly when she's tired and we're trying to get her down for the night I think shes looking for the shape of the dummy or the bottle teat but if I put my little finger into the roof of her mouth she sucks like mad and then I pull it out and have the breast ready and she usually sucks in the nipple and feeds.
I was really worried about BF and encountering problems but we both seem to be coping really well, I really enjoy feeding her and I actually did it in public for the first time yesterday
was a little bit at first but I soon got over it, I used a muslin to hide my banger!! I feel more embarrassed doing it in front of family members than total strangers.