any bilingual mums?

about 18 months with Paris - she knows a fair few words now, I speak german and french :)
Once our LO is starting to talk and gabber away we have a tutor who will come in and teach him French, he'll continue it through nursery and the school he's going to also do French tuition twice per week after classes. I'd say roughly around the 18 month marker is when we'll start with him, obviously it depends on his individiual needs and personality etc it might be 12 months, might be 20 months....we'll see how we go.

I speak English & Welsh (thanks to Welsh Grandparents who refused to speak in English untill just a few years ago!) but I see it as somewhat pointless in teaching him to be fluent in a language that won't ever help him much - I'm sure he'll know the odd sentance, phrase, word etc to help with politeness etc but I'd rather stick with the French. Welsh can come third if he really has a flair for languages.
im not bilingual but my dh is greek and we live in greece, i will only speak english to Tilly and dh and family etc will speak greek. I've been told it may take her a little longer to start talking but other than that she should be fine with both languages being spoken to her at same time.

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