Any advice greatly received (not ttc related) *updated*


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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Hi girls

well it's my interview tomorrow and I am so nervous. I have tried to prep as much as I can just hope it goes ok and I don't fluff it up. So any good advice that u can give would be appreciated, maybe someone could do the interview for me? Lol only kidding. I think I have a cold or bug coming through the stress of everything as well as ttc, been taking stuff to try & fight it off. Just hope I don't wake up streaming tomorrow as don't want to be sniffling etc in the interview. fingers crossed, I need something possitive to happen to me, maybe this is my turning point Xx
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before interviews I have a good breakfast -even if it makes you feel queazy have something even if it is just a piece of toast and some tea.

make sure you have clean tissues with you just incase. dragging a snot filled messy half shredded tissue out your pocket is not a good look. also if you need to use it, use your left hand so you dont pass your germs on when you shake hands!!

feel positive - they want to see you and they like what they know about you so far.

if you get asked difficult questions, there is nothing wrong with taking a few seconds to collect your thoughts before starting, better than waffling through it and not answering what they want.

dont know who your interview is with but if it is corporate - good suit is a must, clean shoes, natural makeup, simple jewellery.

and most importantly, dont panic, smile and maintain eye contact. GOOD LUCK!!
Good luck!

Sit up straight in the chair and look smart :) and if you get the chance shake their hands afterwards (good hand shake speaks volumes where I work) but don't brake thier hand!
I don't know what the interview is but we servile following criteria..STAR
Situation-what's the example situation
Task- what did you need to do
Action -what did you do
Result- what was the outcome

You might not have to give an example of teamwork, leadership etc but I always think stars! Hope you feel better xx
Ooh and remember to breathe!xx
Hi hun,

I always recommend the STAR approach if it's a competency based interview (asking you questions such as "give me an example of a time when...").

Just think:

SITUATION - what was the situation you were confronted with?

TASK - what did you have to do?

ACTION - what did you do? If you were part of a team, what was your role? Go into detail here and don't presume they'll know the answer. Think of them ticking off boxes when you go through each detail.

RESULT - what was the end result? Did you achieve what you wanted to and why/why not?

Hope that helps.

What's the job?

Good luck :clover:

Thanks girls I have read about the star method, I think they will ask for examples and I have struggled in the past with thinking of examples & panic, but I have thought of answers for teamwork etc. The job is in a university, assessment officer in the student Amin dpt, in the facalty of business & law. it's in the assessment of students team. Just hope my mind doesn't go blank. Any good ideas on how to sell urself, why u want the job etc and questions to ask after? Xx
Good luck tomorrow tinks!!
A good question to ask them is 'do you enjoy working here' or is there a good teamwork ethic here' as you have to want the job as much as they have to want you so it looks good to find out their opinion on working there!
It's always been a winner for me xxxx
You're a hard worker, highly motivated and keen to utilise your existing skills as well as develop them in a new position. You're a good team worker, but also work well independently. You want the job because it sounds very interesting and you think with your background, you'd be very good at it, enjoy it and add value to the team (my minds going blank now too lol).

I'd maybe find out a little about the uni, like how many students, staff it has. Just a few facts in case they ask you what you know about the place.

Questions - when are they looking for someone to start? how big is the team? who would the role report to? when will you find out whether or not you've been successful? Don't worry if you've not got any questions. It's ok to take in some questions written down or some notes too hun. xxx
Thanks girls that's a great help. Do you think it's acceptable to right bullet points down that will help prompt me to remember things (just in case I panic or go blank?) don't know if it's right as kinda feel like I'd be cheating, or am I being stupid lol xx
tinks, i work in HR and have interviewed people and we always allow notes and a lot of people do bring notes with them. if they don't mention it just ask at the start if it's ok if you have your notes out, if they so no it's no biggie. they won't mind you asking just don't presume.

manitaining eye contact with each of the panel is always good. like the other ladies have said have some specific examples in mind of times you've worked in a team and on your initiative and don't be vague. even if you have to kinda make it up on the spot it doesn't matter, they won't know!

it's not a bad thing to be nervous, as an interviewer i always think it shows that they were really keen on the job and it means something to them.

good luck and be confident! xxxx
Get everything ready tonight so you can relax in the morning.

I always stumble on questions but I try to make sure I have an answer for the worst question ever " why should we give you a job? " erghhh I hate it when they ask that!

Ohhh and also what are your strengths and weaknesses they ask that one alot.

Just try to stay calm and be you hun, you will do great xxx
Thank u girls you've been a great help, I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes. It's in the morning xx
How did you get on tinks? Hopefully its over now? FX for you! X
Hi girls,

well I don't think I'll be getting the job. I was totally prepared for the interview until they gave me scenarios, this through me as I was expecting that I would have to give them examples. The structure of the interview wasn't very good at all. Didn't feel they asked the right questions to be able to draw the right answers from me. It was almost like they knew who they wanted, an internal candidate. The questions were more for someone who would already know the processes.

But on a more positive note I am a great believer in as one door closes another one opens.......... And it has as I have another invitation to an interview for a different university. It's on the same day as our 1st fertility clinic appointment which is in 2 wks time, so maybe that is a sign. Thanks for all ur support girls I'll let u know the outcome of today. Xx
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Great you've got another interview hun :) Sounds like a good sign to me.

I'd give them feedback especially if was arranged through an agency.

Today would have been good prep for the next one.



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