Any advice for the first timers?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
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I just wondered if any of you that have already experienced childbirth had any advice for those of us that haven't? I'm writing up my birth preferences!

I'd particularly like some advice on refusing certain procedures, e.g. Forceps. Can you refuse a sweep? Would it be advisable to?!

Thanks :)
I'm pretty sure you can refuse a sweep. Forceps are usually only used in an emergency so I wouldn't worry too much about that same with episiotomy.

My best advice is to relax. I know it sounds backwards but if you stress everything tenses up and makes everything harder. Find something to focus and "zen out" on for me I got addicted to the noise the gas and air machine made when I used it. It made like a growly noise I found hilarious. Lol. Listen to the midwife and don't try to push before she tells you to. She knows what she's doing so trust her x
Yeah defo agree with trust in your midwife.
You can defo refuse a sweep.
I wouldn't plan too much, easier to go with the flow and then no disappointment about not getting your ideal birthing plan. I used to want water birth, no painkiller, hypnobirth etc and then I had loads of episodes of reduced movements and decided to scrap my plan and just go with whatever it takes to get her here safe. I was induced and epidural in the end lol and on the bed. Total opposite to what I thought I'd want but at the end of the day as long as baby is here safe thats all that matters :). Xx
You can refuse any form of treatment you are not comfortable with but obviously they wouldn't suggest forceps etc if it wasn't necessary.

I have a very strong idea of what I would like my birth to be like and what I want to happen. For example I would like a water birth and to bring baby to the surface myself etc but despite having these strong preferences I'm very open to the fact that what will be will be and I'm open to whatever needs to happen to get her here safe and sound.

So that would be my advice - make your preferences known but remain open and trust in the people looking after you and your baby.

I agree, just have an open mind. You can refuse sweep, I am not sure about forceps, I just asked that myself, I don't want them used but obv would if it was an emergency. I have nothing written down at all in my notes as I will just go with the flow. I do need to write a few bits though about OH cutting cord and vit k etc xx
Go with the flow and try and relax. I had two long labours both different first was epidural, forceps and stitches. Second was gas and air only. If I had to do it again I'd do the gas and air only. However my 1st was that way for a reason my son was stuck and after two hrs of pushing he needed to be delivered safely and that was the only way. I trusted my midwife the second time round who believed in me and I did it. In the end doesn't matter how the baby is delivered as long as it's delivered safely for the both of you that's all that matters .good luck !
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i think you can refuse anything you dont want but they would only use forceps if it was an emergency and baby was stuck or distressed.

id put about pain relief, wether you want skin to skin straight away, if you want anyone to cut the cord etc ive never been through labour myself but wrote a few birth plans lol
I'm having a water birth this time. Apparently it's quite an effective pain reliever. Also, I'm booked to go to a midwife led centre rather than a hospital, much quieter. I had an epidural with my first too, I wouldn't want that again, yes it took away the pain but I'm sure the needle has caused me long term lower back problems and then you end up with a catheter in until feeling comes back which is rather unpleasant.
I had a water birthith my son it was fantastic highly reccommend it.
Was that the only pain relief you had ery?
I am not allowed in birth centre but my normal hospital has one pool which she said I might be able to use for pain, can't give birth in there though xx
I had water birth with gas and air and a codine at the start which I think was responsible for my mad hallucinations lol

I kept thinking I was a dolphin and I could breath underwater lol. (I know... logic and biology aren't strong suits when you're that high lol) it was only hubby telling me the gas sbd air wouldn't work underwater that stopped me trying to out my theory to the test lol
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I don't want to get high and loopy lol. Is it the gas and air that does that? I didn't try it last time but was planning to this time xx
I think it has that effect on some people but didn't with me xx
I think the codine made me high and loopy then the delirium of nearly 48 hrs awake set in the gas and air just helped it all go smoothly lol it makes you not care about things
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That's reassuring Millie, not sure what I would come out with lol xx
Lol i was quite calm until George Micheal songs came on the radio lol the only time I swore in labour was at him
I didnt really say anythung funny apart from the whole wanting to jump out the window when it was ground floor. Haha that was the pain though! I did tell OH to shut up at one point but that was just me being snappy haha. Midwife told me to breathe through and then OH did and when he said it before I knew it the words "WILL you shut up??!" Had come out my mouth lmao! I dont think i swore or anything. I was more vocal than I thought i'd be but more just pathetic whimpering haha. I think biting on the mouthpiece helped me more than the actual gas and air xx
I was very reserved and quiet through labour with my son. I tend to be quiet when I am in a lot of pain, I just can't talk or make sounds xx
i have no idea how im gunna cope!!!

i love gas and air tho haha! ive had many teeth out!

hoping for a pool or a puddle as my dad calls it but when im in pain i like to be left alone and i go quiet too so not really sure i want birthing partners but feel evil saying that to my OH

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