

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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i have my stabbing in 30 im wearing a dress so i can hitch it up and let her stab my bum..:(.. so far in a week ive had 5 bloods taken lol.. and now one stabbing..:( poor me lol... on a brighter note.. i wonder if my gtt results will be back..:) will ask ehr when i get there.. just got up from a nap. and cant be bothered to move.. but trying to get my ass into gear... yawn...
good luck for your stabbing! I had my 28 week bloods done last week to see if I need the Anti D injection cos we don't rountinely get it here unless we show signs of the antibodies so hopefully that'll be less injections for me!

Although every single hospital/midwife/GP visit I've had during this pregnancy has resulted in some needle or other being stabbed into my arm :shakehead:
I also have to have the anti D injection :evil: Not looking forward.
I have to get it too in a few weeks time, do they always put the needle in your bum or can they just put it in your arm like other injections?? All the needles I have ever had always went in my arm lol

Crystal xx
My 28w antiD they gave in my left arm, next time I get it in the right arm.

When I had it in hospital after m\c last year it was in the ass though
had it in my thigh. felt like she left the needle int here for an hour.. lol. gah!
if they do it in my bum I'll not feel a fecking thing with all the extra wobble :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh god.. don't say that! I have mine next Friday and I hate injections!!! Is your leg sore after it?
no.. legs fine...although i didnt shave my legs. she must have thought.. oh hell how will i get thro this jungle...???? blunt or snap the needle on the hairs..i probably have the anit-d in my thigh flab not in muscle neways lol..:)
what is it?

sorry am i being abit thick?
You only need it if you have a rhesus negative blood group- 15% of the population have this, the other 85% are rhesus positive so don't need it
Your not being thick, if you don't need it there is no reason you would know about it!

Pregnant ladies are offered it if their blood group is Rh negative. It's an injection of antibodies that prevents your own body making antibodies against the baby's blood (if it crosses the placenta) if he or she is Rh positive. It's mainly to protect future pregnancies. Am I right there Lisa? The way i've explained it sounds confusing to me! :oops:
i get ya but then im res neg so i knows it. had mine too turned out emily is same as mummy. i take after my mum so her fault think she takes after her mum lol we dunno what my oh is tho. except a man :clap:
i think its more like a coating to cover any blood cells that have antibodies attached to them.. its hard to explain...

blood cells arnt flat little dohnuts that we imagine.. their surfaces have receptors on them.. that bond with anti bodies (positive blood groups have anti bodys already on them) and if your O re neg your blood is universal (can donate to anyone as you have no antibodys at all on your blood cells so the other persons blood cant pick up and reject the blood because their receptors on the recievers blood have nothing to detect)

if the baby is a + and you are a - then the receptors in your blood pick up the antibodys from the babys blood and reject any forgien the baby.. so the anti-d is a coating that covers the anti body that attaches to your blood to stop it recognising the babys blood..

hope this has made sence lol..???
Thank you for letting me know.

i'd never heard of it so i thought maybe i was missing out on

dont know what my blood group is yet, had it done at 12 weeks but the hospital has 'lost' my results so i had to have it done again when i had my GTT on tuesday.
I'm stabbing myself on a daily basis with heparin. It stings a bit but the worst thing, because its a blood thinner is that you bruise. My tummy is black and blue, at least you won't be able to see any stretch marks.
I'm O-neg so i have to have anti D in 8 weeks time, what were you saying about O-neg...i find it very interesting as i don't understand it much. My mum is A- and dad is B+ so gawd knows where i got mine from? If O neg do u still need the anti D???? :think:
yeah.. o negative blood is universal blood type.. meaning you can donate you blood to you are negative if your baby is positive and your blood crosses during pregnancy or birth then you could product antibodies that will either effect this pregnancy or future ones.. you need the anti-D to coate your blood to stop antibodies attaching to your blood cells.. all very complicated..but best to get the anti-D

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