Anti-D Hospital Rant!


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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Today I had to go to the hospital for my Anti-D injection, something which I've been a bit nervous about anyway, but I left work so that I could go and catch the bus to the hospital.

I was taken into the room, bloods were taken, BP taken (a bit high possibly due to anxiety about the Anti-D), urine sample checked (+ glucose again! Yikes), and then they left me there waiting for someone to come and stab me with the Anti-D stuff.

I'd been at the hospital almost an hour by this point. In walked a midwife, who was really lovely and nice, but she said there was a problem. They had not taken my Anti-D out of the fridge, and it needed to be left out for an hour before injecting it. Why they hadn't left it out as soon as I got there, I don't know! So, I had a choice, I could either wait an(other) hour, or come back tomorrow. I was p'd off, but decided as I'm there tomorrow again anyway for a physio appointment, and I really should've got back to work, I might as well do it tomorrow.

I'm just starting to worry now, because so many things have gone wrong, and the hospital seem so unorganised, that I'm thinking of switching. I just don't know if I have enough faith in them to have my baby there anymore! :wall:
Btw, please don't worry about the injection cos its definitely not as bad as you think despite what you read from some folk! And literally over in 3 seconds :D
Aww thanks for that - good to have some reassurance. I always get worked up at the thought of needles, then when they actually happen, they don't really bother me! It's just the anticipation I don't like!
Shinymac said:
Aww thanks for that - good to have some reassurance. I always get worked up at the thought of needles, then when they actually happen, they don't really bother me! It's just the anticipation I don't like!

haha i'm like that too :)
Thats rubbish of the hospital :hug: I cant believe they'd be that disorganised!! Poor you, its stressful enough having to sit around waiting especially when you've left work early and had to get the bus to get there!

I had the anti d a couple of weeks ago and dont worry, honestly its fine :hug: The midwife I had was lovely, talked me through reasons for having to have it etc and checked over bubba while I was there too :) The actual injection was exactly the same as any other Ive had, that is honestly true :hug: She told me it might be painful but it was literally 2 seconds and done and felt the same as any other jab. I actually would say the blood tests hurt more!

Good luck, I hope they get it sorted properly tomorrow :hug:
Thanks mudgey! It is terrible isn't it? It's not the first incident with this hospital that has caused me a bit of stress, so I hope it's all organised for tomorrow. Let's hope they give me the right blood type too (it is blood plasma isn't it they inject you with?).
It does sound like a rubbish hospital but I think most of them have their faults sadly!

Yeah its the plasma bit, looks clear in the syringe. They talked to me for ages about why its recommended etc, even drew me pictures of what it does to mine and bubbas blood :lol: Some people apparently refuse it although that threw me a bit, I dont quite see why you would really unless for religious reasons as it can put the baby at risk if things go wrong with the pregnancy. As far as I see it if it protects bubba and doesnt do me any harm then Im all for it!
Oh there's no way I would refuse it! It'd be worth any pain to make sure LO is safe in there!
Sounds like they were very thorough at your appointment, hope they're like that with me tomorrow. x
They were extremely thorough, I expected to be in and out in 5mins but I was with the midwife for over half an hour!! It was nice though, felt like they really wanted me to understand about it and make me relax.

Just one thing I did have to sit in the waiting room for half hour afterwards, apparently they recommend it just in case you do have any (very rare) side effects. Go prepared though with a magazine or something as I got soooo bored :lol: Oh and my bubba really woke up after the jab and I was kicked to bits! Not sure if thats just me as bubba is always very active but just thought Id mention it :lol:
They did mention that I'd need to hang around after the injection for a while to see if I had any reaction, but I'll make sure I've got my ipod and some reading material just incase it goes on a bit longer! Thanks for this mudgey, you've really put my mind at rest about the whole thing! Yay - maybe I'll sleep better tonight! :hug:
No problem :hug: Glad Ive helped a bit and I hope it all goes okay, Im sure you'll be fine :hug:

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