Antenatal classes


Active Member
Jan 2, 2008
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At my last widwife appointment she confirmed that there are no antenatal classes due to lack of staff and funding :roll: . Eeekk - I was kind of relying on these to help me know what I am doing, especially as this is my first baby.

Is anyone else having the same problem? I know that NCT do classes but I just cant afford them. Are there any other options??

I think I just took it for granted that the classes would be available - what a nightmare!!
I have had a letter to say that i have been put on a waiting list but nothing more than that. Its not googd that they can't offer us any classes! Think I am just going to keep phoning them unti they get sick of me and hopefully give me a place.

I certainly don't think we should have to pay for the classes - that is just wrong, especially as we pay tax!
I agree, the difference in the kind of services offered is pretty wrong. My local authority are really good and I booked my classes at 13/14 weeks and they start in March. I booked 3 x 2hr evening Parentcraft classes and a 2hr evening relaxation class both for me and DH and also am attending a 2hr breastfeeding workshop. All of these are standard and there were even other options in case it was your 2nd baby or you only wanted to attend part of the classes so you could pick and choose a bit. They also offered 2 different locations.

I would have thought with there being so many high profile cases recently regarding the care of children by their parents, local authorities would be demanding that people take these classes rather than refusing to provide any at all. All seems a bit mad to me :wall:
If you can't afford the NCT classes you can give them a call and they can discuss your personal situation and offer you a a free place or a reduced rate. They do try to accomodate everyone.
I had antenatal classes with my first but was late starting becasue there were no places - had my first at 36 weeks and gave birth early at 37 weeks :lol: so didnt get a lot out of them except one fantastic relaxation technique from the physio.

hope you get something sorted - even if you dont learn a lot the security of having done them and the chance to ask questions etc is helpful - good luck :)
I'm not sure I'll be taking any anyways.

As I understand it what they cover, with regards to birth choices and what happens in labour, I've pretty much covered everything on my own research wise and talking to MW and others. I know what I hope to do and have with regards to my baby's birth. And my contingency plan etc.

With regards to breastfeeding advice and other things, again my MW is happy to talk me through what I need and give me pointers. Also with breastfeeding, from what I've been told by others, its trial and error and depends on the baby.

Yes I'm interested in the breathing techniques, but I am looking to find out more elsewhere also, if I don't attend the classes.

Try The NCT and put in your postcode to fine ante natal classes in your area. I got quite a few returns when I searched my postcode.
I think it is terrible that there are no classes in the area available. I wont be doing any this time even though i wanted to as my area have none either. I can remember some of the stuff from Isla but it is so suprising how quickly you forget everything!! The thought of a tiny newborn again terrifies me! :rotfl:

To be honest though i did find that i learned 100% more from the forum than i did the classes, although the lady with the doll and the plastic pelvic bone was highly amusing.... :rotfl: as were the faces of the women! Plus your mothering instinct will soon kick in.

And Amy you do have a very nice friend who will have a newborn for you to practice on! When are you up for babysitting???? :D

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