antenatal appointments and work


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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hi, I only work part time, monday nights and wednsedays for tescos. I have a few hospital appointments but they seen to fall on wednesdays as this is the only day they do the clinic ( i phoned up and asked if i could do any other day and they said they only run on wednesdays) My question is will i still get paid for my appointments or will i have to take time off. I think you still get paid for them if you work full time i think but dont know if it is any differnt for partime?.
I don't think it makes any differenace if you work part or full time you should get paid for antenatal appointments. Just take a letter or appointment card with the date and time to work and they should have to let you go.
Hmm. You are entitled to the time off. Are you contracted for the number of hours you work or to work those particular days? If you are contracted to work on a Wednesday there will be no problem. If you are contracted to work a certain number of hours each week I wonder if they could tell you to come to work at another time :think:
Remember you are only entitled to the time if you have told them you are pregnant! Well, presumably you're entitled any way but they only know that if they know it's pregnancy related and not just a medical appointment.
its not the hours, its contracted days. its hard one as I cant work any other days or make up hours as I have no childcare, oh has the girls when im working as he works , when im not working. Ill have to see my personal manager as soon as I can.
I worked full time but i never got paid. I had to make up my time through my lunch hour!!! A pregnant woman, deprived of her lunch.... I ate while working. But i know it shouldn't have been like that. My scans were only run on Tuesdays, and midwife on Fridays. I could never change them.
I worked mornings so if I had an appointment in the morning I worked afternoon and always "tried" to get afternoon apps. I would have been entitled to the time off paid though but I was able to wrok around it.
Not a problem then, if you're contracted for the Wednesday you will get paid even though you have to take time off. I recommend you explain the situation to your work and give them the number of your surgery so they can verify for themselves that that is the only day for appointments.

Remember when making the appointments that it will be easiest for everyone (especially you) if you either make them as early or as late as possible, so you go at the beginning or end of your shift. I always went for early as I would normally leave for work at 8 (start at 8.30) but the earliest appointment was 9. So I'd get a lovely long lie and be taking less time off than leaving in the middle of the day. A win-win situation :D
LisaJ1986 said:
I worked full time but i never got paid. I had to make up my time through my lunch hour!!! A pregnant woman, deprived of her lunch.... I ate while working. But i know it shouldn't have been like that. My scans were only run on Tuesdays, and midwife on Fridays. I could never change them.


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