Another Maternity Allowance Question - Sent back my forms...


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I sent my Maternity Allowance claim off about a month ago.

They sent it back as I had not completed 26 weeks in the 66 weeks test period on the date of signing (but had by the time they sent back the forms :roll: )

Anyway, I called up yesterday and they asked to put in writing that I have now completed the 26 weeks and then all could go through.

BUT have now check the form they sent back (MA6) Indicates I must have stopped working to complete the claim?!! If I stop work now, I will have zero income (and zero savings!) and then have to hang around and wait to see when MA pay can start?! Surely I can fill in the form and stay working until 15th as planned? :think:

Oh and as usual, the phonelines are busy and justs asks you to call back later! :roll:
I just completed my form recently and I might be wrong, but I interpreted that to mean that you can apply before you stop working, but that you have to wait until after you have finished to start getting paid. Are you talking about the part that asks when you want your first payment to be? That's the only part I can think of that says anything like that.

I'm VERY nervous about my application because an employer I had over a year ago (the NHS nurse bank- what a surprise) never processed my resignation, so I just found out that I technically still have two employers! I didn't know that when I sent away my application, and I had to write a second letter of resignation the day after giving the Job Centre my application! I just know they are going to send it back to me and ask for an SMP1 or whatever it is they ask for...

I'm starting to think MA isn't worth the bother!
No, it's a second form they have sent back (They already have the 38 page form or however long it was)

It's an MA6 form
your right you have to have finished work when you send back the second form - they processed mine pretty quick though and back dated it.
Called them and got that confirmed, they say they will process my letter, then send yet another form which I'm to send back when I leave work and things should only take a week or so from there.

I also noted that on the form they had stated I worked for my last employer for 8weeks in the test period and just 12 for this employer - even though I included 13 weeks of payslips!

So I asked them to check there wasn't also a problem with the payslips - just had a voicemail saying they have not received them yet.....they just blooming sent them back to me so I know they have had them!!! :wall: :wall: And now can't get through on the phone again!! :talkhand:
Another 15 minutes on the phone, and apparently they HAVE received the payslips, copied them and have the full 13 weeks worth :roll:

Do these people not know about HORMONES!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
My god they're p*ssing you about something rotten!

I really hope they sort it out soon for you. It wouldn't be so bad if you actually knew where you stood! x
Ah, sorry, they never told me about that part of it. Something else to look forward to! :D

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