ANOTHER disapointing consultant appointment!


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Gear yourselfs up for a loong read ladies!

WELL, my appt was at half 9, i finally got seen at 10:30 by quite a lovely midwife, who had a feel and said baby was still free, at the brim, but pretty much free. Then another dr came and felt and said the same. She then went on to say that as for my pain, theres two options, and one isnt really possible. A, stronger pain relief or B, go ahead and deliver. Then she said that they cant really give me anymore pain relief as dihydracodeine is the strongest and seens as its not working, pointless prescribing anymore! So she then read my notes which said i requested a sweep yesterday, so she then said its up to the senier registrar wether i have a sweep, so i geared myself up for a sweep and got all excited for an induction date!

So after waiting for about 20-25 minutes for the registrar, she went on to say that she wasnt goin to give me a sweep this week! I was so upset, i said i cannot take this pain and she banged on about how sweeps can only be done if babys head is there to press against! So then i mentioned induction, and she said ''well, we'll have you back next week and we'll do you a sweep and induction date'' !!! I want to cry! Thats 7 days away! Im in so much pain and i felt like she wasnt acknowledging that all all! I tried to push for a date today, even if its 10 days away its somethin to look forward to, but she banged on again about how early inductions could fail..blahblahblah!

So now i dont know what to do! I came out with tears in my eyes and after i got in my mums car i felt like waltzin back in there and sayin YANO WHAT, NO I AM NOT HAPPY. i know my body, and i know im not goin to go anytime soon, which is distressing me even more!

Just wanted to see what u ladies think i should do now?
I was gunna go to the day unit tomorrow and tell them how much pain im in..see what they say. (but iv been twice before and just been sent home, weeks before term mind)
I just dont want to be admitted as iv got a 2 year old and i want as least time away from him as possible (propa mummys boy - dad doesnt see him!)

Thanks for reading!!

x x x
well. over here we have a maternity assesment unit which you go to at any time of the day if you have any problems. I would maybe try phoning the hospital or giving the midwife another phone explaining you arent happy with the outcome today you are in too much pain and cant hack it anymore. Sometimes the midwifes are useless and forgot its not them in the pain so selfish. Hope you get something sorted chick xx
aww thats pants hun,

keep pressing them, im sure if you annoy them enough they will give into you

good luck xxx
Oh hon - sounds like a bit of a nightmare :(

I would just moan at them a bit more and see what happens- nothing to lose I suppose.x
huge disappointment!! Bloody NHS ay..

i really hope you get on at them and they sort something for you.

thinking of you x
Thanks girls!! Im off shoppin later to asda with the mother, so gunna walk down every aisle to try and get things moving! Also gunna buy a hot curry! Worth a try!

May call day unit tomorrow and explain my situation, they may be able to over-ride and give me a sweep.
Need this baby to get engaged!!!!

Hey hun...its a good idea to keep active....i really hope they do give in soon and give u ur sweep. Just try and use the exercise ball if u have one, which helps the baby to come down as well as getting on all fours on the floor and doing a few squats ;) curry also like u said a good idea!!!
Goodluck hun xx

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