Another constipation question


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
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Hello I am wondering if anyone has any advice here, i started formula feeding my 12 week old daughter 3 days ago, she has not pooed for 2 days, which isnt unusual for her. However she has been having 30 to 35 oz of sma gold a day and seems to be trying to poo but unable to. She is grunting and pulling knees up then getting upset. (pretty sure its not wind) I have got 2 questions for formula mums, firstly is she having about the right amount for her age (she weighs 12lb 9oz) and secondly should she be going more often now shes on formula? I know babies are all different but what have mums who switched from breast to bottle found? Cheers, Jen x
Zac was terribly constipated on SMA Gold hun, so we switched to Cow and Gate Premium.

To be honest, it seems most people's babies get constipated on SMA, I have heard no good reports about it at all!!
i agree with jaidy ellie is on sma gold at the mo as we need to finish the tin but then we r going to swap her onto cow and gate just need some advice on how to but have posted in other section she has been terribly constipated on sma and its haoorible to see her in pain and trying to poo and not being able to do anything to help her hope this helps Grace xx

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