

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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i had my blood tests and my iron levels came back fine.

however, i went to my sisters last week and she said i look really pale and im always tired like she was when she was pregnant.

im not supposed to take iron supplements am i?
depends.. how are you actually feeling? not being told how u feel?
i am tired all the time... but i dont think i look that pale... but she acted quite shocked at how pale i was... :think:
I take a pregnancy multivit that has iron in it- not as much as you would take if you are anaemic but hopefuly enough to stop me getting anaemic
fothers said:
I take a pregnancy multivit that has iron in it- not as much as you would take if you are anaemic but hopefuly enough to stop me getting anaemic

i take pregnacare everyday
mention it next time you see mw and get eating lots of spinach and stuff meanwhile :puke:
fothers said:
mention it next time you see mw and get eating lots of spinach and stuff meanwhile :puke:

id rather wait till i see the midwife :rotfl:
u take pregnacare every day then im affraid its jsut pregnancy.. you know u have quite a busy life...u work and go to college.. thats basically the same as having a full time job hun..peegnacare has everything you need.. i doubt ul be anemic.. xx
Oh dear Kimbo... :(

If you're taking Pregnacare, you'll be fine....

I don't take iron and my iron is always on the lowish side, even when I'm not pregnant. But the M/W would prefer that I don't take it and try and get it naturally.... So if your Iron levels are fine and your taking a multi vit with all the stuff you need... You just need to make sure you go out and buy some....

Bronzing powder.... :rotfl:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im borerline anemic on my 16 week blood test results but they havent given me any supplements they have just told me to eat plenty of veg and other foods that have iron in. If you needed iron they would have given it you although it may be worth mentioning for a repeat blood test to make sure your iron levels havent dropped. :hug:

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