

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Ive been feeling really tired at the moment, despite sleeping through the night without pee-ing for almost a week now.

some days I look really pale, and I get really knackered just walking around in town.... do you think it's anemia? And do you think I need a blood test to find out? Because my mum has some tonic stuff she drinks as she's often anemic.
Yes I think you should get a blood test to check - its very common in pregnancy. How many weeks are you now - I cant remember?

My doc prescribed an iron tablet for me to take daily from week 18 onwards - i only take 3 a week though, but I have noticed a difference!
im 20+4 weeks

And im not taking any iron tablets, they make you constipated :lol: same stuff in the tonic apparently.
You could be a little run down, but the only way to find out is to have a blood test. If your mum has anemia you might be more suseptible to it, especially now as you are pregnant. If you are taking a vit suppliment such as Pregnacare, then that will give your body all the iron it needs normally...but if you are really worried, go to your MW and get a blood test done..

You can also check for anemia by pressing down on your nail till it goes white underneath, take your finger away, and if it takes a while for the nail to turn back to pink then thats a good sign that your anemic...also your inner eye lids tend to be very pale or almost yellow with anemia.

Try drinking more orange juice too as vitamin C helps with Iron absorbtion. Try to avoid taking the tonic unless you have to...It tastes bloody awful.. :puke:
Squig - I dont think there is Iron in pregnacare :think: :think:
hmmm, im taking sanatogen pronatal, it has 100% RDA of iron apparently, and im drinking plently of orange juice.

I tried the nail thing and it went back to pink pretty quickly.... hmmm.... wonder if im just tired for some other reason :? its not lack of sleep.
Im anemic, I was told my iron levels were low from my 16 week bloods but that i didnt need supplements. It went alot worse so ive just started on some tablets that i have to take twice a day and ive noticed a big difference & im feeling better every day, I was absolutely exhausted all the time (even when id done nothing but sleep) and felt really drained and basically like 'death warmed up' I also had no appetite and just felt generally terrible. I went to my GP as it was really getting me down feeling like this for so long and he started me on these supplements.

I would defo go to GP/MW and get checked cos it gets to a stage where you dont have the energy to even go to the docs, it took me over a week to get the energy together to go see my GP! :hug:
I am on iron tablets as my levels are down. I was just so tired and could not explain it.

I have to admit that the side effects of them are not good though. Wish i could get the iron another way.

Am only taking 1 a day, is no way i could take the full amount.

Hope you feel better soon.
I take pregnacare and each capsule has 20mg (143% of RDA) . Have no idea if thats enough if someones anaemic though!
Ellied said:
I am on iron tablets as my levels are down. I was just so tired and could not explain it.

I have to admit that the side effects of them are not good though. Wish i could get the iron another way.

Am only taking 1 a day, is no way i could take the full amount.

Hope you feel better soon.
you can get tonics, and the side effects are much less than if you take tablet form, my mum takes a tonic.

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