

Active Member
Jan 5, 2008
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Hiya girlies,
Have had a really crap week :( Came out in really nasty cold last Tuesday..... just tried to get through it, no paracetamol etc. By Monday this week i was feeling like a walking zombie!!!, soooo poorly and just wanted to sleep :sleep: Yesturday i finally gave in and went to the doctors and was prescribed Amoxicillin anti-biotic (250mg) as the 'cold' has turned into laryngitis and a sinus infection. The doc said it is safe to take during preg, and is often given to preg women with kidney infections etc. Don't really know why i'm posting....just want a bit of reassurance i think.... wanted to try and fight it without any medication!
Thanks for listening to me moan!!
i had to take it a few weeks ago, checked about 3 times with the doc, the MW and even the phamasist!

Was fine tho, it gave me thrush :shock:
I took it when I had a really bad chest infection about a month ago, no need to worry :hug:
sparky said:
i had to take it a few weeks ago, checked about 3 times with the doc, the MW and even the phamasist!

Was fine tho, it gave me thrush :shock:

I had it at Christmas for a urine infection and it gave me thrush too :x
Bless you :hug:

I've got the sinus thing too :( We all try to be as strong as possible and fight the illnesses but sometimes we have to give in because I'm sure our LOs would prefer for their mummies to feel well again! :cheer:

(I should take my own advice! lol)
I'm not PG yet but just popped on to see what's happening and saw this thread, hope you don't mind me replying

I was given amoxicillin at that beginning of the week for a bronchial and chest infection and I've just started to get thrush too!!! I'd not assiciated the two until I've just read this.

I had a quick look at the side effects listed in the information leaflet thing and it doesn't say anything about there so I think we may have just made a medical breakthrough........ :rotfl:
Ahh....thanks for all your posts guys! :hug: dannii87....yes, you need to take some of your own advice!!....don't leave it as long as i did! And Chrissy1, thank you for dropping your user picture!!, i do hope you can join us with a BFP soon!
I'm feeling much brighter this afternoon...hope to go back to work tomorrow :cheer: Going a bit mad with day time t.v!! :wall:
ahh thank misskeeza

As soon as I saw that avatar pic I had to have it, I thought it was hilarious!!

We've got a big testathon going on in TTC tomorrow so I'll know one way or the other if I'm just popping in to say hi again or if I can move in for a few week...... :pray: :pray: it's the latter!
I had to take them the other week too for a urine infection.
I had to have if when I was 36 weeks pg because I had a chest infection (in June FFS!), and yes, I got thrush :x
I was prescribed this for my 4 month old DD at Christmas when she had a bad cold so I'm sure its fine.

Get well soon!

Valentine Xxx
Romi's on it too, the horrible yellow stuff thats supposed to be banana but makes me want to be sick when i smell it, Shaun has to give it to him. Ive had tablets of it, and guess what...i got thrush!
bellybump said:
Romi's on it too, the horrible yellow stuff thats supposed to be banana but makes me want to be sick when i smell it, Shaun has to give it to him. Ive had tablets of it, and guess what...i got thrush!

Eww I refused to have that banana stuff when I was little :puke:
I was on a really nasty kill-all-bugs-ever antibiotic for gastroenteritis when I was 4/5 weeks pregnant - because I didn't know, yet my baby is absolutely fine :cheer:

Don't worry hun! xxx

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