Am I the only one who likes the break?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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Loads of people (probably mainly mums with newborns) have been saying they
can't stand the thought of leaving baby. Well my Mum has Summer once a week
for the night and I love having the night off!!
No one else has ever ever had Summer for the night except my Mum.
After reading the posts about people dreading leaving baby it makes
me feel really really really guilty!
It looks like Summer is going through the terrible 2's a year early and she is
a handful most of the time so I absolutly love having the night to myself.
I do miss her when she is gone but I know she'll be back the next day.
Am I the only one who doesn't mind leaving her for the evening?
I work one day a week for the whole day so have about 9 hours away from Maddison and I miss her like mad :oops: I havent had her away overnight yet, not ready for that. I would miss her too much. Difference is, Maddison is a very good baby and sleeps through every night :D
If Summer slept right through it wouldn't be as bad but she goes bed at 7, wakes within the
hour and she screams and screams until she is picked up and that can go on all night.
well on/off all night.
By the time she is finally settled all I want to do is sleep. :sleep:
If Maddison was like that I imagine I would be more than happy to send her to her Nannys for the night :wink:
I used to have my eldest nephew 2-3 times a week overnight at 17. My older sister was 20 and i'm sure she must've missed her freedom. I'd babysit 6 nights a week anyway.
No need to feel guilty about it. I spend all day everyday with her and she doesn't even look at my OH the way she does me. I'm BF and a bit too lazy to express tbh.
My mum has only had her for the night once but thats because we live with her :lol: Im always leaving Lily with her for an hour here and there or for a few hours round MIL (against my better judgement :twisted: ) BUT if I didnt I would go mad! I love having just an hour or so to myself go to the pub or go shopping - being able to jump in and out the car in 2seconds is AMAZING lol.

I started to feel guilty when I was reading posts on here, but I know I love my little girl and I know the people who Im leaving her with love her ( and would chew my ear off if I didnt let her go over)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I used to hate leaving Lucy with anyone but a gradually got used to it. Now I welcome the break, but that doesn't mean I love her any less - nor should I feel guilty.

Its just one of those things that some people get used to quicker than others. There is no right or wrong, just how you are.
You shouldn't feel guilty at all, most Mum's who hate leaving their LO's don't usually have a choice ie work commitments, so enjoy it, your LO is in trusted and safe hands, all Mum's should get time off, whether it be an hour or a day :hug:
No, you arent the only one. I like that my kids are comfortable away from me now and again.
Hope goes to her nanny every other friday for the night, i do enjoy the peace but i miss her loads, id love to feel comfy doing it more often i just dont :D
I love having some time out - usually when my sister babysits - I havent left her over night tho. Emms has only just slept through the night and is exclusively BF. Once I start to add in some formula nearer to the time when I go nack to work, I would find it easier to leave her overnight.

Dont feel guilty, it's good for both of you to have a bit of a break - probably help later if she is more sociable and less clingy.
i like some me time to. i work three days a week so ky is at his nans all day and at nursery for the other two. on several occasions since hes been born me and OH have gone out for the night so he has stayed at nannies and we pick him up first thing in the morning. i think its good to let them be around other people, will certainly help in later life. i was quiet pleased the other day when i took kyran up to the baby room in nursery he went straight over to the girl with a big smile on his face and started playing. this poor woman next to me with a little girl just 5 days older than ky was having a hell of a battle to pass her over to the staff. that would break my heart to see ky like that!
No, I love Ryan going to his Grandma's for the day. He's never stayed away overnight, I think I'd still be a bit weird with that, but only cos he tends to wake up during the night still, and I wouldn't want him waking up somewhere strange and getting upset.

But yeah, I love it when I have time to myself. Doesn't make you a bad Mum just cos you enjoy time without them :) :hug:
lauramumof2 said:
No, you arent the only one. I like that my kids are comfortable away from me now and again.

Same here, I think it's really healthy for all of us. Stanley can spend the night at nannys or even go up to see his grandparents in Liverpool with no drama. He has a whale of a time and I get to catch up with other stuff (usually sleep :lol: )
Nope, Harrison spends atleast 2 afternoons or mornings a week with his Nan whilst I relax or do housey bits and at each half term Harrison stays with his Gran and Grandad for a week thats when I miss him the most but its a good break for me and OH and plus good for him cause he doesnt see them that often as they live 2hrs away and he loves it down there and if hes happy im happy :D

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