am i spoiling him?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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jamie is almost 7 months now, and he has both breast & bottle,and also solids. i posted a few days ago about trying to stop breastfeeding,especially as he uses me as a comforter sometimes.but after some consideration i have decided to carry on with the breast for a little longer. he has between 4/5 milk feeds as well as breakfast,lunch and dinner everyday. first thing in a morning and before bed are always breast,lunch & dinner feeds are usually bottle. in between he likes to suckle before his naps, these nap feeds usually only last a few minutes,just to get him to sleep.occaissionly when he is upset or struggling with his teeth,he likes a comfort feed too. i think if he likes it,and he needs it to make him feel safe and happy,i should carry on,but some friends and family reckon i am spoiling him, and will find it difficult to get him off the breast when he is older. i love breastfeeding him,for that closeness and special bond we have together,i am so proud of us both!!
do you agree that he is being spoiled?and has anyone had difficulty stopping breastfeeding when they felt the time was right?
thanks girls!
how can you spoil a baby???? and who cares if you are spoiling him!!!
keep him happy , keep yourself happy and all is well!!! :dance:
We seem to have a problem in this country with showing affection to our children.

I love feeding Jack, he loves it so why stop?? Yes I love that special bond too and although it is tiring sometimes I wouldn't do it any different next time.

Don't feel you should stop just because it sounds like other people are pressuring you to, just ignore them and do what you want otherwise you may regret it in the future.

How can you spoil a baby when they are incapable of doing anything for themselves? They are made to be booby fed, loved and cuddled!!
I agree, you can't possibly spoil a baby by breastfeeding. Yes it might be more of a comfort for them than food sometimes, but so what?!!! Why is that so bad, why is it bad to comfort a small baby, I don't understand. Keep doing it honey, you will be able to stop when you are BOTH ready, not when other people tell you to.
BTW Breast milk is THE most important food for a baby for the first year of it's life :hug:
I am still breastfeeding Ellie. I have had my MIL keep on asking about when I am going to stop but I just ignore her. I don't plan on introducing formula at all. Once Ellie is 1 year old I plan to switch over to cows milk.
Noway is it spoiling your child :D I think its great, keep going hun until your both ready to stop :hug:

Im going to let Oli wean herself and just introduce cows milk after shes one :)
There's nothing wrong with BF as a comfort. When I took Brody for his jabs and I was feeding it was great to stick him straight on after to calm him down.

If you and your baby are happy with the situation, don't change it for anyone.

I had no probs getting Brody off the breast, he dropped it himself at around 9 months.

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