Am I ovulating?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
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My OPK's have all been negative, I've been testing every day (twice a day - POAS addict!) one had a faint line yesterday but that still means negative apparantly? But my CM (only a little bit so far) is clear and colourless and I'm on cycle day 14. My monthly cycle tracker says I should be OV today and should have been fertile for the last 3 days?? Have BD's everyday for last week and have been using 2 brands of OPK (just in case one was faulty!) so not really understanding whats going on! Any advice greatly appreciated!
You may have a longer cycle length, you CM will increase & go egg white once you are about it Ovulate, if you had a faint postive today you probabily are likely to ovulate soon

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Turns out my luteal phase is 10 days, not 14. I finally have a positive opk!! Time to BD!! :D
lb - Glad you figured that out. Isn't it strange how our bodies do all these things we were never aware of until TTC?
I'm glad you got a positive opk. I tested for 8 days and only got negatives. I will be temping this month as I'm worried I'm not ov'ing. It's so much more complicated than I ever imagined!
perhaps mm, cos you have had a shorter cycle you may have missed your positive opk because of starting the test late????? :?
I used OP sticks EVERY DAY since my last period because I was on Depo Provera which can stop ovulation after it wears off, even though AF was still visiting each month. I never got a positive and got my BFP that month. They don't work for everyone. :hug:

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