Am having strange dreams now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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God was i having weird ones last night lol!

1st one I was having a section done and the scar had just started to heal and they needed to cut it open again for some reason and I was saying no its healing now and doesnt hurt anymore. WEIRD!

But the nice part of it was I had had my baby girl and she really did look like the phoebe i had seen in all my 4d scan pick and I kept repeating like a parrot that she looked amazingly like she did in the photo and all these people were staring at me.

To top it off my sex dreasm have started up again as well after weesk of desertion! Hello Brian krause (leo from charmed!) :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Least I dont ache and feel tired after a session with him!!!
To top it off my sex dreasm have started up again as well after weesk of desertion! Hello Brian krause (leo from charmed!)
Least I dont ache and feel tired after a session with him!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You just reminded me that I used to have some great sex dreams (felt a but guilty when looking at OH the next day!) but I havnt had one for a while.

I had two dreams about PF last night but cant remember what happened :think: :rotfl:
I have weird dreams a lot now as well.

Seems my OH is also dreaming about the baby because the other night in his sleep he said "Never mind, it's over now, you don't have to do it again for another 2 years!" He told me he was dreaming about the birth! So he's already planning another baby in 2 years time!!!

Sabrina said:
I have weird dreams a lot now as well.

Seems my OH is also dreaming about the baby because the other night in his sleep he said "Never mind, it's over now, you don't have to do it again for another 2 years!" He told me he was dreaming about the birth! So he's already planning another baby in 2 years time!!!


:shock: :shock: :shock: Its alright for him to say- he doesnt have to actually be pregnant :wall:
tangerinedream said:
Sabrina said:
I have weird dreams a lot now as well.

Seems my OH is also dreaming about the baby because the other night in his sleep he said "Never mind, it's over now, you don't have to do it again for another 2 years!" He told me he was dreaming about the birth! So he's already planning another baby in 2 years time!!!


:shock: :shock: :shock: Its alright for him to say- he doesnt have to actually be pregnant :wall:

Exactly!! :wall: Plus the thought of having another pregnancy at 44 seems crazy!!! :talkhand:
Nice of him to let you know, saying that marcia cross (bree out of DHW)had twins at 44.your nrver too old
I had a dream on Saturday night that really upset me, I had my baby and we let Brads step brother and his wife adopt it?????? :shock:

In my dream, I knew I didn't want them to adopt him but it had all been arranged and for some reason I was agreeing with it so as not to upset anyone! :cry:
Its so strange hat we dream about, its all these hormones produce! sometimes i love it and other times i hate it!
I had very vivid dreams early on in my pregnancy.
They vanished though and I thought that was good as they were quite disturbing.
They have now returned which apparently is quite common in late pregnancy.
Ahh the joys...roll on labour/birth!
Gimme the sex dreams anyday! There fun and naughty and the DH knows nothing about them!

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