

Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Sorry for the boring subject name, but I was wondering what people think of choosing a name that starts with the same letter as the surname?
We've loved the name Riley for a while, but keep dismissing it because 'Riley Roberts' might sound a bit dodge. We love it though, and when we asked some friends what they thought of it last night they listed a ton of people with alliterative names. Courtney Cox, Brooklyn Beckham, Susan Sarandon, Lindsey Lohan, Leona Lewis, David Duchovny and so on and so on... there are loads and loads when you start thinking about it.

What do you think? Good? Bad? Bloody awful? :?
Depends on the sounds IMO.

We avoided 'M' names as our surname is Mabbs. I don't like it (don't tell OH :shhh: ), think it sounds a bit comedy and thought an M name would add to comic effect.

BUT, I think Riley Roberts works well :D
I'm not a fan of alliteration is names, but Riley Roberts goes well! :)

Our surname begins with a 'P' and not many nice names begin with a P, so we didn't have that problem.
Ditto what others have said. Some work, some don't.
I've gone the whole way with alliteration Sam's initials are S.S.S

Samuel Steven Stratton.

It wasn't intended but i think it sounds good :D
at the moment im liking Maia, but second name would be Mardell. Not too sure if that goes either, but i really like that name!
I hardly ever post as I'm only an intermittent site visitor and a granny-to-be (this month!!) but I do like looking at the names though wouldn't dream of expressing any preference to my daughter. As someone with a short alliterative name before my marriage, I have to say I never liked it cos I never got called by my first name alone. It reminded me of Lois Lane or Dan Dare (showing my age) and Clark Kent is much the same but I think they sound better if one of them has more syllables which is why Courtney Cox sounds better than Dan Dare or if there's a middle name as above. Actually my Mum did the same with my sister and my brother so she must have loved alliteration.

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