Allergic reaction to Huggies wipe! advice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Aimee has had an awful reaction to the Huggies Pure baby wipes! I used them in the hospital and she got a wee red bum which cleared up within hours. My midwife said that it might have been caused because she was so young (only 2 days old). My friend gave me nappies and a pack of wipes as a present last week so I tried it again yesterday. I used one wipe at 10am and by 2pm her bum was red and blotchy. Much worse than in the hospital.

I've got Sudocream so I used that and expected it to be cleared up by now as it had done in the hospital but it hasn't. It isn't any worse but it looks sore. She isn't crying though, infact she is pretty happy today as she was giggling away while I was changing her nappy earlier, even when I put the Sudocream on she was laughing so she doesn't seem to be in any pain over this.

Is there anything I can do other than Sudocream or is there anything out there that is better than that?
if she is happy i wouldnt worry about it too much try to get plenty nappy off time
Yeah, nappy off time would be the best thing.

My LO is sensitive to most of the baby wipes, we use cotton wool and water at home, but save the wipes for when we're out and about.
chickadee1976 said:
if she is happy i wouldnt worry about it too much try to get plenty nappy off time

Yep agree plenty of nappy off time.

I am not a fan of huggies wipes, i find them to be quite rough.
Calleigh doesnt get on well with one of the johnsons wipes, they give her a sore bum.
:hug: :hug:
lots of no-nappy time!

i HATE huggies wipes and nappies! they're awful!

poor little Aimmee, at least it doesn't seem to be affecting her too much xx
OopsyDaisy said:
Yeah, nappy off time would be the best thing.

My LO is sensitive to most of the baby wipes, we use cotton wool and water at home, but save the wipes for when we're out and about.

Exactly the same as us. The nature babycare ones seem to be the only ones that don't irritate her. Lots of nappy off time and maybe try something like Bepanthen? It seemed to help Becky when she got a rash from wipes.
TBH I'd stop using wipes and go over to cotton wool and water at home and save the wipes for when out only. And change brands and go for one of the mild ones then.

And nappy off time is good also.
We still have this problem now, LO isn't allergic as such, but she does get red if we use wipes too often. When she was really bad we put egg white on her, left it to dry and then replaced the nappy and it cleared up in no time! Sounds mad, but it worked!
Sherlock said:
TBH I'd stop using wipes and go over to cotton wool and water at home and save the wipes for when out only. And change brands and go for one of the mild ones then.

And nappy off time is good also.

I did this with my son when he was first born, I didnt use wipes for over a month! he never had a rash.I wouldnt use huggies again if i were you, i tend to find that own brand wipes are best, boots, asda and make sure they are always unperfumed. xxxx
We use Pampers sensitive on Dylan and so far so good :dance:

He has REALLY sensitive skin as well so i am sticking with these.

Hope little Aimmee has a better bum soon :hug:
Ivy hates wipes altogeter! She goes really red and sore so I use cotton wool and water with a tiny drop of infacare baby bath just to help clean her a bit better seems to work well :D
poor little thing! I HATE huggies wipes!! there horrible!! Altho im pritty lucky ryan's never had a sore bum in his life and ive always used wipes.
If its really bad, you can get stronger creams from the doctors (think ours is called dactacort?) but otherwise, just change wipes. Sudocrem wont help as it's a barrier as opposed to fixing the actual problem its just covering it.. so either ride it out or pop to the docs/use a cream one of the others mentioned. But the sudocrem is only good for *before* the rash, while the rash is there it isn't bad for it, but it doesn't do a lot for it either.
i hate the huggies wipe too, they're really wet pampers here and a wee drop bepanthen at every change and shes got a lvoely bum

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