All tax credits have stopped >:(


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2011
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Apparently I earn too much to qualify. I don't even get help with childcare costs. I work 38hrs a week as a nurse in the nhs. I don't have any luxurys like new clothes etc. I don't even pay my own car insurance my dad does. The only thing I have that's a privalage (in my opinion) is virgin tv phone and internet. Is that so much to ask for after leaving my son at 7.30am, getting home at 6.30pm every day? Here's my outgoings and income.....

Tv licence 13
Gas 90
Electric 44
Car tax 11.50
Council tax 110
Virgin 46
Rent 775
Sofa 20.50
Water 36
School dinners 43
Childminder 515

Wages 1475
[FONT=&quot]Child benefit 86[/FONT]
total = 1561

how am I meant to survive when I'm already £170 a month down before food clothing etc

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Oh my goodness! Surely that's wrong. Can't you appeal and provide them with the breakdown of your outgoings etc?

It seems those in work get screwed over big time. It sucks. x
I know :( I'm going to citizens advice tomorrow, do you think they'll be able to help?
basically if you earn over £13,000 you don't get any tax credits.

it sucks really i feel the same i haven't worked for two years now and i hate being stuck like this I'd love a well paid job but there isn't any that I can apply for with little experience... crappy britain eh lol
My o/h earns more then £13,000 and we get tax credits
I think it's £16,000 not £13,000. Well I've already requested to go down to 16hrs after baby is born, that'll put me on about £11k. Also, as they've cut me off, I'm gonna have to go on mat leave at 29 weeks because I won't be able to fork out for the childminder out of my own money :(
:hug: reducing your hours is probably your main option. I work for the NHS on a graduate salary too, and managed to get 18.5 hours, which means I get help with childcare costs and tax credits on top of that. If i increased my hours financially Id be no better off and Id have less time with LO. Its silly really, that a graduate salary isnt enough, but I found the same.
do you get your single person discount of your council tax. That is 25% off and non means tested. Also your gas and electric are quite high. Get your bills and get on a price comparison website and switch! You could save £50 per month and the gas and electric is exactly the same quality, through the same pipes/wires. Its an easy area to save on.
sorry Im spamming up the thread here but I just noticed your childcare costs and wondered if you do the childcare voucher scheme? your employer will do it as all the nhs trusts do. You can ask for a certain amount of your pay to be in childcare vouchers, which reduces the amount of tax and national insurance you pay. Ill try to find the link for info. You could save a fair amount of money doing that.
My OH earns 28,000 and we get working tax credits surely you are entitled to them x
That really doesn't seem right. I just got my letter today and I made just under 25K last year and am getting both Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit! Plus, my childminder costs are almost identical and are being covered entirely by the amount of what I am getting.

Definitely go and get advice because something is off.

Good luck!
oh bless you! that really rubbish. did you get it sorted in the end because that really dosnt sound right at all.
In the end they said they wanted to keep overpaying me by £60 a week child tax creds which I said no to.

Meanwhile I had applied for HB and been granted £60 a week based on the fact that I get the child tax credit overpayment of £60.

About a week after I finally receive a HB payment tax credits finally decide to accept my wishes not to overpay me - good in the long run, sucks now.

So now I'm living off the £120 housing benefit every 2 weeks. Not easy. Have sent documents to HB to say tax credits have stopped about a month ago, fingers cross they up my HB payments.

Don't know how I'll manage when this baby is born.
that is really rubbish. your out there working and helping yourself to support your family and thats what you get for it. it will all come in to place soon. youll see. xx
hope you dont mind but I put your details (guessed a lot) into entitled to website and it estimates you should be getting £101.36 in tax credits per WEEK. havent looked at other benefits.
youre also entitled to over £100 per week in housing and council tax benefit :flower:

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