Alicia Grace Blake 17th Sept 8lb 6 1/2ozs


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Jan 19, 2008
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My due date of the 8th came and went with nothing happening. On the 14th I woke up feeling damp down below and I got up out of bed and felt a gush of fluid. I started to have mild contractions about half an hour later and I went to hospital around tea time where they confirmed my waters had gone and did swabs for GBS. I was also booked in for induction on the 16th if nothing had happened before then.

By the 15th I was having contractions every 15mins all day but they weren't getting any closer, I was up all night in pain and eventually around 4am they were getting to be every 4 mins so I phoned my mum and sister and off we went to hospital. Got examined when I got there and I was only 2cm, so they found me a bed on the ward whilst I waited for a bed on labour ward.

At about 1pm on the 16th I went down to labour ward and was told that the doctors wanted to start me straight on the hormone drip. I was terrified at this point because I'd had the hormone drip previously, so I opted to have an epidural. Oh boy do I regret that! While the anaesthetist was putting it in, I felt really dizzy and lightheaded, was sweating buckets and had ringing in my ears. I felt dreadful! I started to feel a bit better once it was in, but it was only working down my left side so I was still feeling contractions in my right.

The midwife was having trouble picking up Alicia's heart rate with the external monitor so she had to have fetal scalp monitoring attached. This was about 5pm, and they said I was still 2cm dilated. By 7pm the hormone drip was on maximum dose and the midwife gave me a top up or the epidural to try and get it to work down my right side. It did, but I dropped my blood pressure and was feeling really dizzy again. The midwife had to force fluid in me with a pressure bag to get my blood pressure back up. At this point I felt really ill and couldn't stop shivering. When I was dropping my blood pressure Alicia's heart rate dropped and the midwife was quite concerned and she discussed it with the doctors and they were ready to send me for a section if it happened again, but it didn't.

I was examined by a doctor at about 9.30pm who said I was almost fully dilated. I didn't have any more top up of the epidural to give it chance to wear off. I started pushing at 11.40pm, When her head was crowning I could feel how stretched I was and that I was probably going to tear and the midwife suggested a small episiotomy which I agreed to and Alicia was born at 00.20 on the 17th weighing 8lb 6 1/2ozs. I only needed 3 stitches.

We went to the ward at about 3am, and then I found out that afternoon that my GBS swabs had tested positive, so they started Alicia on IV antibiotics and took blood cultures from her. Her results came back clear so we were allowed home on the 19th.

I read my notes and total time from my waters breaking to delivery was 65 hours!!

I haven't got many pics of her on the computer yet, but this one is when she was 1 day old
She's beautiful congratulations :cheer:

And born on my birthday :D
Lovely picture :D

Congratulations on your little girl! :cheer:

My epi only worked down onw side to :wall:
I felt everything in that side andit was sooooooo painful.

Well done hun you done a great job :hug:

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