Hi everyone I'm new to this forum and hope you all get BFPs.
I have been ttc for past 6/7 months after being on pill for 7 years. I have two sons to my previous marriage and now been with my current partner for 4 yrs he also has 3 children to previous partner. Anyway been ttc and nothing as yet seem to be missing ov although I have been using my app calculator. My cycles have been 28 days and I usually have spotting days before AF, this month however has been weird, I am two days late been having AF cramps for over a week on the 29th Oct after me and dp had intercourse sorry tmi I went to toilet and wiped and spotted a little bit pinky colour then it was gone by morning then on 4th November this happened but we didn't bd so I'm confused. DP doesn't want me to test just now he wants me to wait till end of week ARRRGGHHHH as he doesn't want me to jinks it lol! he seems really excited and I don't want him to be let down, I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow about something elese and wondering should I ask him to test or wait till end of week and do it with dp? I have cramps just now and if I was pg is this normal?? I have suffered a mc my very first pregnancy. I had two boys afterwards and tbh cant remember having cramps with them but most ppl saying its normal????
thanks for your help
I have been ttc for past 6/7 months after being on pill for 7 years. I have two sons to my previous marriage and now been with my current partner for 4 yrs he also has 3 children to previous partner. Anyway been ttc and nothing as yet seem to be missing ov although I have been using my app calculator. My cycles have been 28 days and I usually have spotting days before AF, this month however has been weird, I am two days late been having AF cramps for over a week on the 29th Oct after me and dp had intercourse sorry tmi I went to toilet and wiped and spotted a little bit pinky colour then it was gone by morning then on 4th November this happened but we didn't bd so I'm confused. DP doesn't want me to test just now he wants me to wait till end of week ARRRGGHHHH as he doesn't want me to jinks it lol! he seems really excited and I don't want him to be let down, I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow about something elese and wondering should I ask him to test or wait till end of week and do it with dp? I have cramps just now and if I was pg is this normal?? I have suffered a mc my very first pregnancy. I had two boys afterwards and tbh cant remember having cramps with them but most ppl saying its normal????
thanks for your help