Advice please!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2011
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Hello ladies,

I barely ever post on here, but I always read whats going on and get lots of helpful tips! I was hoping for some advice or thoughts really. My DD is now 4 weeks old and is thriving, she is gaining weight etc. I really wanted to breast feed her but my milkwas very late coming in and I had to give her formula as she was starving. Since then I have been doing everything I can to get my milk supply up. I pump regularly and just about manage to get 4oz over the course of 24 hours. Up until a couple of days ago I would always offer DD the breast first so she could ask for more milk, supply and demand and all that, but she has now become super fussy and gets really angry very quickly. I now feel like I'm bullying her to nurse from me, and she would rather just have the bottle. I have found it all really emotional and can't really talk about it without crying. I feel like I have failed my daughter by not bf' her.

Has anyone else had experiences like this? I'm going to go to a BFsupport group tomoz, but wanted to see what advice/thoughts you lovely ladies had? Thank you for reading and I promise to post more often in future!
I wanted to bf lo too but found my supply didn't meet her demand. She would bf for an hour then need a bottle top up! Got very distressed myself which probably didn't help at all. After much soul searching I decided most important thing was a happy, well fed baby with a calmer mummy so ff all feeds. Took a while to get over guilty feelings that i had but lo did so well on ff and is super happy.
My LO fed for well over an hour a lot of the time in the early days, felt never-ending somedays. He's put on a ton of weight and he was just stimulating his supply.

He also fusses when he needs burping, and I sometimes have a fast flow so he pulls away and milk shoots everywhere! Muslin at the ready!! I also find (because I've been at home recovering so much) if it's noisy and lots of people are talking, he does NOT like feeding. He really fusses and even cries sometimes. I'm starting to take him out more and feed him in more public places so he'll get used to it.

I don't know if any of that might help or not knowing that? Would be interested to hear what the group say!

Have you tried nipple shields. G was getting really angry and frustrated if she couldn't latch quick, and these are really helping. Xxx
Have you spoken to BFing support? They can help re the latching.

Also best way to get her to only want boob is to not offer bottles at all now, lots of skin to skin and cuddles as often as possible. Drink plenty of water too as you need to keep hydrated to make plenty of milk and make sure to eat too, you need extra calories while BFing.
The support group will be a massive help for you they offer great advice and tips. Have you tried taking fenugreek to boost your supply? Eat lots of carbs like oats too. Best thing you could do is have a couple of really lazy days in bed snuggled up with skin to skin and just let her suckle as often as she wants and try to avoid offering the bottle all day if you can. It can take a few days for things to change so don't be disheartened if it doesn't work straight away. I still feed on demand now and sometimes its only been an hour since he last fed so its perfectly normal for bf babies to only go short periods of time between feeds this is because breast milk is digested so quickly and they have tiny tummys at 4 weeks only the size of a their fist. Good luck let us know how you get on, and try not to stress and worry as that won't help x

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Thank you for your replies. I'm going to go to bf support tomorrow, really looking forward to it. I'm taking fenugreek and think that it has helped. I went out and got some nipple shields today but going to wait to speak to people tomorrow before using them. I think we may have developed a latch problem as she always clicks when she first goes on, although it isn't too painful. I feel like I'm at a bit of a cross roads, as I can see her doing well combination feeding, on formula only but I just can't imagine taking the bottle away and me being able to solely feed her, I think I'm scared of it not working and her getting very stressed and upset.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience and knowledge with me and I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow xx
Hey everyone,

Just to let you know I went to the BF support group and they were brill. Daughter has perfect latch so all good there, couldn't believe it when she went straight on and was on for ages! We have a plan where I will alternate breast feeds with formula to allow my milk supply to build up between feeds and to always offer her the breast first so supply will always be stimulated. It's been a bit hit and miss but so far we have managed three feeds from me and she has slept after and seemed satisfied! I 'm a very happy lady!

Thank you so much for your support and advice
I'm glad you got some good advice hun! Sometimes just having a plan makes you feel a lot better x
Glad things are improving! My LO is 2.5 weeks and my milk has been slow coming in too. My doctor actually gave me a prescription which seems to be working... Only giving her formula at night for the last two days. Good luck! Xx
Glad you got good advice from your bf group, how's things going now a few days on?

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Oh my goodness, I absolutely know what you mean by saying you felt like you were bullying her into breastfeeding - that's exactly how I felt! Right from the beginning, Poppy had real problems latching on because the midwife who delivered her said I must give her formula as she had low blood sugar and wasn't interested in latching on straight away after birth, and I had to be taken to theatre for stitches. So her first taste of milk was from a bottle, so I think that's where the problem began. I would sit for absolutely ages trying to get her to latch on, she would be crying, I would be crying, and she was just NOT interested in my breast, but would happily take her bottle and be satisfied.
I didn't get much help, although one very helpful midwife sat with me for about 40mins trying to get Poppy to latch, but it was clear it wasn't happening. So I expressed for a while and did combination feeding, until eventually my milk just wasn't there anymore. Please don't beat yourself up about it if you can't get enough milk, you are NOT a failure - if your baby is happy on formula then that's the main thing. I know breastfeeding is recommended (or, pretty much shoved down our throats if I'm being honest) but in the end Poppy thrived on formula, she is a very happy, healthy little girl and that's the main thing. xx

Sadly things haven't really stuck to the plan, we have only managed two full feeds since I went to the BF support group. I just don't have the milk needed to fill her up. One memorable session she was on me for two hours, then had two oz expressed milk then two of formula! I'm back to expressing small amounts, but happy that I can give her this. She is so desperate to breast feed it makes me sad I don't have the milk.

MrsKM how did you go about getting medication to help boost your supply? I have spoken to many midwifes and health visitors and no-one has ever mentioned this. I have literally tried everything now! Interestingly my nan (who is now 93) said that she had to combination feed my mum as she didn't have enough milk, but my mum found it a doodle!

Oh, out of interest when people express how much do you get in a session?
Many thanks
X x
My Tyler spent all day attached to me until recently. Everyone goes through feeling like all you do is feed and that something must be wrong. Have you spoken to your midwife about any medication or seen a doctor if you are that worried? It's hard to compare how much people can express as people produce milk at different amounts.

1st think in the morning using my electric pump I can get 2oz in about 5-10 mins which is all I need at the mo as were getting him used to bottles and i haven't tested how much I can get yet.

Your doing great! Don't forget that :)


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