Advice please


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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Hi everyone,
According to my ticker I'm due to enter tri 2 today although I thought it was at 13 weeks (tomorrow) but anyhow, I'm after some advice.
I got my blood results back today and I'm not really sure I understand what they mean. Does anyone know if 1:2750 is a good result?
At my 12 week scan they couldn't see my baby's nasal bone but other 3 markers for downs were fine. Does anyone know if the fact that my bloods are ok (I think) overides the fact that they couldn't see a nasal bone? I'm so confused!
Basically I want to know if anyone else has been given this risk factor?

Thanks in advance, and hi to all you tri 2 ladies x x
If the majority of the tests are ok, and your bloods are from what I know, then I wouldn't worry too much. If they were concerned they would have told you straight away hun xxxxx
thats a really good result. basically the bigger the 2nd number the lower the risk of downs. those can be more reliable than scans as some things are hard to see on a scan depending on your weight, babys position and amount of fluid etc.
didnt want to read and run but sounds like a good result, havent had my bloods back yet as got to have them re done tomorrow so the wait happens all over again,

if in doubt ring your midwife or ask at your next appointment id say, x do u know what the nuchal measurement was? x
Thanks ladies, been so worried since they couldn't find the nasal bone at the scan.
The fluid result at the scan was 1.9mm so that was normal soni suppose if bloods are normal then I shouldn't worry. Baby did keep moving during the scan so I suppose bloods are more accurate anyway :) x x
thats good then 1.9mm, mine was 2.7mm and it runs in my family so im quite scared about my chances, i was told theyll tell you if your high risk or low risk and tlk the options through with you x
Yeah I think it's fine, it's just the whole no nasal bone thing that got me and the fact that I've been given no information! Feel more positive now I have results though :)
Isn't 2.7 still classed as normal? x x
yeah youll be fine hun, the radiographer at my scan was very unhelpful didnt say anything about the baby at all, was only because i got a report for my mw that i saw measurements.
Not sure if its normal or not as not been told anything so will just wait for blood results when i go and have them redone tomorrow x
I was told nothing either, it's awful really! Haven't even been contacted by mw! x
I am waiting on my results aswell. My measurement was 1.3mm. The midwife told me that anything under 1:150 is high risk, anything over is low risk so yours at 1:2750 is really good! x
I had a measurement of 4.5mm and had a 1:50 chance of having a problem so we did have further tests but everything is ok. Anything under 3.5mm is perfect :)

i didnt realise it was 3.5mm see this is why i should keep away from google lol x

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