Advice please!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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I had my littleboy 7 weeks ago, i am bottle feeding but have not yet had a period. This week i have had dull ache in my stomach like my period was about to start and i have had a tiny bit of blood when wiping once or twice like the begining of a period but it hasnt come to anything.

Now call me paranoid but the only time i have ever had period type pains with no period was the month i fell pregnant!!! We have had sex but used a condom so i am pretty sure thats not the situation, if it is god help me!!!! so what i wondered is has anyone else had anything similar and did anyone have a long wait for their period to return. My doc said at my 6 week check its normally about 6 weeks when they come back.
Hey hun

I breastfed for 6 weeks, and didn't have a period until 11 weeks. However I did bleed on and off for about 6 weeks after Naomi was born.

Hope that helps

Thanks, i think i am going to buy a pregnancy test just to put my mind at ease, logic tells me i cant be pregnant but i wont relax until i know for sure. I am still having period type pains but no bleeding.
well thankfully the test was negative, still no period so will just have to wait and see what happens, how long should i leave it before going to the docs if it doesnt appear do you think?

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I bottle fed Ryan and bleed for weeks afterwards non stop, I can't remember now how long for but it didn't get back to normal for about three months. I'd call NHS Direct just for advice.
I bottle fed and it still took 11 weeks until I had AF but if you're worried speak to your GP


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