Advice please.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Hello ladies, I'm looking for some advice please. This is my first post I'm normally a lurker so please don't hold it against me :roll:

I came off the pill at the end of Nov, my first cycle was 35 days, the second 29 and then last month my period came on day 21, was very light and lasted 4 days. I know my cycle is probably all over the place since coming off the pill so I decided this month to use OPK's So after looking at the instructions and going by my last cycle is says I should have been checking since day 6. I didn't realise I should have been checking that early and did one today and yesterday and I have faint lines. I suppose my question is does that mean I've missed out this month and ovulated as the lines are now lighter or maybe it's yet to come?

Sorry for the long ramble I'm just very confused as I've never used OPK's before :lol:
Hi and welcome to posting on the forum.

I'm exactly the same had irregular periods since coming off the pill in Oct. I started using OPK's last month and only got a faint line one day and instructions said that didn't count.
This month however I had a strong line then the following day a faint line so maybe the faint line means a slight increase of what ever the hormone is. Just keep trying!!

Good luck anyway & hope I was some help.
This is my first month using opks and did some research into it - the second line, apparently, does not mean anything until it is the same or darker than the test line. So dont worry about missing it yet. What day are you on in your cycle?
It's sooo good to know that there are other ladies out there that experience the same things :)

I'm now on day 9 of my cycle.

I thought the lighter line meant you were either about to ovulate or you had just ovulated :shock:
No dont think so I had a massively irregular 50day cycle until saturday when af finally came after lots of stressing from me. I thought that I had missed a whole cycle and so not wanting to miss an ovulation I went and bought first response ovulation kit (the one with 20 tests) and started doing it on day 43. Did it for the next 7 days at 1400 which is the best time and got a faint line every day. I very obviously was no where near ovulating as I then got af. I think that there is always a certain amount of the hormone it is the spike in it that indicates ovulation. So dont worry, day 9 is a bit early for most people anyway. :)
Thanks for that, I'll just keep trying and hope and wait for the darker line.....

Who would have thought this could all be so stressfull, a 50 day cycle you must have been pulling your hair out :wall2:
OMG it was awful - kept on doing hpts and getting negative and then went to doctors to get blood test and when that came back also BFN I spent the next 2 weeks knowing I defo wasnt pregnant and getting really worried that my body wasn't doing what it was supposed to :wall2:
Still at least I am now into another cycle. Was so excited when :witch: arrived (odd for this site!) just to know my body works. :)

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