Advice Please

c stokes

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Hi :wave:
I was looking for some advice please. I am 2 days late now i feel like am gonna come on really bad bk which i always get but last night after me and my husband had a quick fumble we both noticed like a pale browny discharge so i thought here we go am gonna come on through the nite but i didnt, the same thing happened again this morning after another fumble but nothing else for the rest of the day, do you think i could be pregnant or could be implantation? i didnt experience anything like this with my previous pregnancies so its new to me. I did an asda test v v v faint line but ive heard these tests are not that good. Anyone experienced this and been pg? thanks
Hi, going through same with the spotting not sure what the hell is going on this is first time of this happening for me.
Faint line sounds really good have you got another test you can do in the morning if not quick dash to shops! Everything crossed for you both :pray:
I made sure i stocked up on tests different brands to, so i shall be testing like mad for the nxt few days if af doesnt show. Am :pray: it turns out to be good news.
Are you due to test soon? Lets hope the spotting means something.
My saga is on chinese food! would type all again but eyes so tired have a look will explain bit about us ,hubby out tonight and been on here all night like an addict!! New to forum and think best thing since sliced bread at mo!!
I bought six tests today how mad is that went boners thought right get stock in, all clear blue digi too so broke now !!
Somewhere on here the girls talk of implatation bleeds and af that isnt you just get spotting when you would be due on but I don't have a clue just waiting and testing and hoping :pray:
Implantation bleeding (although actually surprisingly uncommon) usually occurs about 7-10 days after ovulation. So if you have roughly 'monthly' cycle it would have been about a week ago.

It's not uncommon for women to spot and even during early pregnancy and go on to deliver a healthy baby. Brown blood is good as it is 'old' blood and not fresh.

The line you got on the test - was it coloured (blue or pink or whatever the control line was coloured) or pale/silvery? There is such a thing as an evaporation line which is basically where you pee just helps to show the strip of antibodies used to detect the 'pregnancy hormone'. It can happen sometimes in certain brands of tests and also if you leave the test for longer than the suggested time (most say don't read after 10 mins). However if it was a coloured line, however faint, then you will have hcg in your system and will be pregnant.

I have had some very ambiguous tests in the past and the best thing I've found is to splash out on a digital test (they are quite cheap here though and I know they can be pricey in UK) - that will tell you 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' and there's none of the agonising over lines.

I'd wait a couple of days and test again and GOOD LUCK :D :D :D

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