Advice Please - Cardiac Arrythmia


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Hi Guys,

I had my 20 week scan last Tuesday and the operator noticed that the baby's heratbeat was irregular - seemed that every fourth beat or so was skipped. I have been booked in for a fetal heart scan next Tuesday and was wondering if anyone has experienced this before?

His heart (he's a boy!) has 4 chambers which is a good sign but his heartbeat is irregular. As you can imagine I am worried but trying not to panic too much as there is nothing I can do at this point. I have been told that the arrythmia could sort itself out in time. Does anyone have any advice, experience with this??
My friends baby had this, she had a scan done at 24 weeks to determine the worst of it etc.. not wanting to scare you so i wont go into what happened, but please dont worry untill you have the results..

Some babys can recify the problem themelves, some babys need a little help..
I honestly can't help you in anyway, other than wishing you the very best, and hope that things sort themselves out for your wee one.

Our little bundles have their ways of getting through these things and are often alot stronger than we think.

Good luck and fingers crossed all is ok.

Angela xx
My Daughter had a heart murmur picked up at her 20 week scan and i was sent for a fetal heart scan, she was born with a VSD hole in her heart but is a very healthy fit baby, i am off for a fetal heart scan next wednesday too as they like to scan me when i have another baby just incase as i am high risk after having my daughter with a heart problem!

Fingers crossed it all sort's itself out on it's own :hug:

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