advice on scan

mummy2be xx

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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thinking about going for a 4d scan. ill be 28 weeks. we are dead against knowing the sex so do you think this is a bad idea?x
No i don't hunni its your right to know or not, but if you do have the scan mention to them that you don't want to know the sex of baby as some will just say to you otherwise, at least you get a nice little surprise when baby is born x x x
it is the most amazing thing, we had it done for Joseph and its a miracle. dont worry about finding out the sex as all you need to do is tell them and they completely avoid that area. I look back on our dvd and its got lovely music to it and is very emotional. we took our family with us and it was brilliant xx
Hi, I am 26 weeks today, and have booked a 3d scan on the 28th of April when I will be nearly 28 weeks! I am so excited!! We have chosen not to find out the sex of the baby either, and on the package it says that gender sexing is optional :) so we are just going to say before they start we don't want to know. I am really looking forward to seeing the baby again, as I don't think I will get another scan. Can't wait to get a peak at my wee tiny :) xxx
We had one done at 27 weeks and it was amazing, and no glimpses of anything we didnt want to see :) xx

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