Advice on cervix??


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Sorry to butt in, but i'm having some cervix problems and thought you more pregnant ladies may have more experience or been through something similar and be able to offer advice....

I'm 16+5 and i've been put on fortnightly scans to monitor the length of my cervix after i had 2 biopsies on my cervix for precancerous cells years ago. They're worried my cervix may shorten too early and possibly lead to m/c.

Well my cervix has got slightly shorter - from 3.7cm two weeks ago, down to 3.4cm. It's not a massive change, but it still worries me that this is just a sign of things to come...

It's upset me because i was trying so hard to feel positive, and imagining my cervix long and strong, as the idea of having to have a cervical stitch really worries me. i have a meeting with my doc on Monday, then i'm paying for a private cervical scan next Thur to keep close tabs on it. I sort of think if it shortens again next week, then i should bite the bullet and ask for the stitch to be fitted. It's a really hard decision because you can do a 'wait and see' approach, and then when you're cervix is dangerously short (under 2.5cm i think) they put a stitch in then. But the down side is the shorter your cervix is when they do the procedure, the more likely it is to not work and put you into early labour (and miscarriage).

Anyone any thoughts on what you'd do? It's so hard at the moment as i feel my pregnancy is on hold as i go for these scans every week, as im so worried i'll lose the baby. And a stitch could help take away that worry if it works. But opting for the stitch might mean a m/c (though it's success rate is around 80 - 90%) but the idea of making a decision that may lead to me losing Peanut is just unbearable....

Would love to know what you ladies think.

Kate x
Oh my god Kate, that is a huge dilemma you poor thing! :shock: :(

I really don't know what to suggest as I haven't been through this or heard anyone else go through it so I can only go by what I think I would do in your situation...

To be honest, I think I'd set myself a limit and stick to it - maybe if the cervix shortens to 3.1 or something, THEN have the stitch. :think:

At 24 weeks, baby is known to be viable (able to survive outside the womb). Use that as your aim, then take it week by week after that.

:hug: I hope everything sorts itself out so you don't even have to make the decision yourself.

I agree with Dannii! I haven't been in or know anyone who has been in your situation but it must be horribly hard for you!! :hug: :hug: :hug: I would probably do what Dannii suggested and set a limit like 3.1!
I don't have any advice but didn't like to read and run so have some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dannii has given some really good advice, I would never have thought have that! So yeah I'd do what she said!
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

this must be so scary for you. :hug: :hug:

I had a quick read and found this ... _20_weeks/

Someone on there mentions that babies start to gain their weight at 16 weeks and so the pressure starts on the cervix. Maybe wait a couple more weeks and see how your cervix goes. If it continues to shorten then consider the stitch. I also read docs reccomend LOTS of rest & NO sex.

Hope that helps a bit hun. Im :pray: your cervix behaves and stays long!!! xxx

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